The Canvas Definition Dialog


This topic will explain the Canvas Definition dialog, describe how to access it, the options found in it, and will provide links to related topics.

The Canvas Definition dialog

The Create/Modify Canvas command opens the Canvas Definition dialog for you to set the length, width, origin location, resolution, texture, and color of the BobART canvas. The BobART canvas defines the area in which emboss features can be created. Geometry that is created for emboss features generally must be within the bounds of the canvas. There are however some creative situations in which only part of the geometry is contained within the canvas area.


If the canvas has not been defined and you add an emboss feature to the BobART tree, Canvas Definition dialog displays prior to the Feature dialog box for you to specify the canvas before continuing.


To create or modify BobART canvas:


  • In the BobArt Manager, right-click Emboss Model, and click Create/Modify Canvas.


The Canvas Definition dialog displays.



(missing or bad snippet)


The Origin group sets the canvas location using the XYZ coordinate. The origin is the bottom-left corner of the canvas.


    • X - determines the location along the X-axis of the WCS.

    • Y - determines the location along the Y-axis of the WCS.

    • Z - determines the location along the Z-axis of the WCS.


Canvas Size


  • X - sets the model length along the X-axis.

  • Y - sets the model length along the Y-axis.





  • Resolution - the DPI or dots per inch used to create the model. Higher values provide a more detailed appearance, and may increase calculation times. Lower values reserve system resources, create a less detailed appearance, and may be helpful to use during creation for slower systems.

  • Remove Non-Emboss Area

    Select the check box to remove any area of the model/canvas that is not part of an emboss.


    Clear the check box to include the non-emboss area (canvas) with the model.




Material Appearance


  • Canvas Color - click the drop down to select a Theme Color or Standard Color, or click More Colors to open the Select Color dialog. Select the desired color for the feature, and click OK to set the color, or Cancel to exit the dialog. (The default color is set using the Solids color of the Settings Part/Settings Default dialog box.)


Note: The default color for the canvas and all emboss features use the Solids color that is defined in the Settings Part or Settings Default dialog boxes.



  • Texture Appearance - opens the Material/Texture Selection dialog for you to add a textured finish to the canvas. Be aware that this option only adds the appearance of the texture and does not add to or change the emboss surface. To add a texture to the canvas that can be machined, you use the Emboss Texture features.

  • Merge Texture with Model Color

    Select the check box to add the Model Color to any selected Texture Appearance.

    Clear the check box to allow the selected Texture Appearance to define the color.



Wrap Model

You can wrap the embossed model to create a cylindrical style model. Generally, you should first create the model that you want to wrap. After you have created the model, you can then modify the following parameters to create the wrapped model.

Select the check box to wrap an existing model.


Clear the check box when creating flat models or while creating the model that you want to wrap.



Wrapping Diameter

The Wrapping Diameter defines the diameter around which the canvas is wrapped. This is measured to the canvas surface (and not the top of the model). You can type the value to set the Wrapping Diameter or use the following option.


  • Full Cylindrical Wrap - after you have created the canvas/model, you can click Full Cylindrical Wrap to automatically set the Wrapping Diameter. This option does not work until after the canvas/model is created. This uses the size of the model perpendicular to the rotation axis and divides the value by pi.


Axis Origin

The Axis Origin defines the center of the wrapped model along each axis using the XYZ values. This works together with the Axis Direction. For example, with rotation around the X-axis (Axis Direction), the Y and Z values define the center of rotation. The X-value can then be used to move the model along the X-axis.



Axis Direction

The Axis Direction defines around what axis the model is wrapped. You can wrap the model around the X-axis or the Y-axis. When the Axis Origin values are X0Y0Z0, the model is moved to the WCS origin and wrapped around the selected axis. The location can then be moved using the Axis Origin values.



Zero Degree Location

The Zero Degree Location is a distance from the model origin (not the WCS) along the axis that is perpendicular to the rotation axis (Axis Direction). This location on the flat model is placed at the zero degree location of the wrapped model (this is the Z-axis or top of the cylindrical model).


  • Middle Line as Zero Degree - sets the Zero Degree location to the center of the embossed model. This uses the size of the model perpendicular to the rotation axis and divides the length by two.



  • OK - accepts any changes. The canvas is created (or updated) in the graphics area.

  • Cancel - cancels any value updates and the creation of the canvas itself the first time the dialog opens. When editing the canvas definition, this cancels any changes and closes the dialog.

Related Topics

Material/Texture Selection Dialog

How to Wrap an Emboss Model

BobART Overview