

This topic will explain where to find the Equalize function, and explain the options found in it. This topic will also give quick steps, and provide links to related topics.

The Equalize Function

The Equalize function breaks multiple groups of entity chains into an equal number of entities of a maximum size. To perform the function, you define the parameters, select geometry in the graphics area, and press OK to accept the selections.

To open Equalize:


  • In the Adjust group, of the Utilities ribbon, click Equalize.


The parameters display in the Data Entry Manager.

The Data Entry Parameters

  • Max Length of Division - the maximum length of each division into which the entity chains are broken. If the maximum length value would result in fewer entities than the selected chain with the most entities, the length is reduced to match that chain. This is a maximum value so the entities created can be equal or less than this value, based on the entity chains that are selected.


Selected Geometry


(Delete) - removes the highlighted item from the Selected Geometry list.

(Delete All) - removes all entities from the Selected Geometry list.

The list will display all entities currently selected for the function.


  • OK - performs the function after geometry selection.
  • Cancel - cancels the function when finished.

Quick Steps - Equalize

  1. Set the Max Length of Division.

  2. Select the first chain.

    The chain is added to the Selected Geometry list.

  3. Select the rest of the chains to equalize.

    The chains are added to the list.

  4. Click OK to equalize the chains.

  5. Click Cancel to exit the function.

Related Topics

The CAD Overview