BcPost.RunVBApi(vbApiName, vbInputParas)


This function can be utilized for calling an existing VB API call from the posting engine.

Please refer to the Posting Variable and API Reference in the help system of the BobCAD-CAM product you are working with for a complete list of the VB APIs.

IMPORTANT:  This function exists to fully support all of our VB API functions and will be the primary always working method.  With that being said it is also important to note that any VB API that we created prior to BobCAD-CAM V32 you can also simply just use BcPost.vbAPIname().  


  • vbApiName – any existing VB function name as a string that has been implemented to work in the BobCAD posting engine
  • vbInputParas - the input value to the VB function.  For almost all BobCAD posting API's they all only have a single input parameter.  For the few instances where the VB API requires multiple input parameters (eg. MILL_SetIntMemoryLocation(index, integer)) this parameter should be a table containing the various inputs.


-- Get the string from memory location 10

BcPost.RunVBApi("MILL_GetStringMemoryLoc", 10)

-- Using a table for the second input to pass both parameters to a memory location

BcPost.RunVBApi("MILL_SetStringMemoryLoc", {10,"Save Me"})