Bcc.CADOperation({CmdName, Type, [Color, Layer, TransformMatrix, AdditionalParams]})


This function is utilized to perform various CAD functions native to BobCAD-CAM.


The primary input of this function is a Table which can include the following keys:

  • CmdName – string value of the name that will be displayed in the Undo/Redo list – This can be excluded if using the Bcc.StartUndo() and Bcc.EndUndo()
  • Type - string value representing the type of CAD operation that will be performed.  The list includes the following:

    Please see the appropriate type topic by clicking the link below to see the full list of parameters for each type:

    • Boolean - Allows you to perform addition/subtraction/unions of multiple Brep bodies
    • Extrude - Creates an extruded body from an input Chain
    • Extrude Boss - Creates an extruded body from an input chain(s) and then performs a boolean add to all intersecting solid bodies
    • Extrude Cut - Creates an extruded body from an input chain(s) and then performs a boolean subtract to all intersecting solid bodies
    • PlanarSurface - Creates a flat surface from bounded by the input chain(s)
    • Revolve - Creates a surface by rotating an input chain around a defined axis
    • Sweep - Creates a surface be sweeping a profile chain along a defined path
    • CrossSection - Creates a surface by interpolating a set of cross section chains
    • 3Edges - Creates a surface that is bounded by 3 input chains
    • 4Edges - Creates a surface that is bounded by 4 input chains
    • MultisidedPatch - Creates a surface that is bounded by multiple input chains
    • Silhouette - Generate the wireframe outline of a solid model from a specified direction and coordinate system

  • Color the entity color can be specified using either the color name or the hexadecimal color value
    • Color = “Red”
    • Color = “#E400FF”
  • Layer – The name of the layer to create the entity on
    • Can be an existing layer or if does not exist the layer will be created 
    • if this is omitted the entity is created on the currently active layer in BobCAD
  • TransformMatrix - A 4x4 matrix can be specified to transform the given entities coordinates
    • TransformMatrix = {{1,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{0,0,0,1}}


Returns a list of each entity ID for the entities that are created in the BobCAD database.


See the topics for the specific Type defined for full examples of each.