

This function is utilized to update the status of different the dialog controls to control visibility, enabled state, and update content.  This function will be typically used in the function implemented as a callback to a control's status change in order to modify values or states of controls in the active dialog.


The primary input of this function is a Table which can include the following keys:

  • ShowControlIDs - a list of control IDs or the direct variable for the ability to make the controls visible
  • HideControlIDs - a list of control IDs or the direct variable for the ability to hide the controls 
  • AddControlIDs - a list of control IDs that should be added to the dialog
  • RemoveControlIDs - a list of control IDs that should be removed from the dialog
  • UpdateControlValues - a list of control IDs or the direct variable for the control to update the content of the variable
  • EnableControlIDs - a list of control IDs or the direct variable for the control to enable the controls
  • DisableControlIDs - a list of control IDs or the direct variable for the control to disable the controls


-- Update a text box with new text 

Bcc.UpdateDialogBox({UpdateControlValues={ControlID="myTextBox", Value="New display text"} })

-- Hide all of the controls contained in a group 

Bcc.UpdateDialogBox({HideControlIDs={"myGroup"}} )

-- Make all of the controls visible that are contained in a group 

Bcc.UpdateDialogBox({ShowControlIDs={"myGroup"}} )

-- Enable 3 controls and disable one control

-- Shows you can use multiple keys with one update

Bcc.UpdateDialogBox({EnableControlIDs={"XDir", "YDir", "ZDir"}, DisableControlIDs={"ArcPlaneOption"}})

-- Update the values of a text field and change a group box header to a new name 

Bcc.UpdateDialogBox({UpdateControlValues={{ControlID="FileName", Value="C:/mytextfile.txt"}, {ControlID="GroupFileName", Header="New Group Box Name"}}})