A chain of entities where the first entity is fully defined and each subsequent entity only requires it's end point. The end point of the previous entity will be the start point of the current entity. The entities will be a continuous loop.
The overall structure of a Contour chain is a table with the following keys defined:
- CmdName – The name that will be displayed in the Undo/Redo list – This can be excluded if using the Bcc.StartUndo() and Bcc.EndUndo()
- Type="ContourChain" - defines the type of chain to be a contour chain.
- List - a table containing entities that form a continuous chain
- Color – the entity color can be specified using either the color name or the hexadecimal color value
- Color = “Red”
- Color = “#E400FF”
- Layer – The name of the layer to create the entity on
- Can be an existing layer or if does not exist the layer will be created
- if this is omitted the entity is created on the currently active layer in BobCAD
- LineStyle -The entity line style used. Possible values can be:
- None – This will utilize the active document linestyle – Same as omitting this parameter
- Solid
- Dash
- Dot
- DashDot
- DashDotDot
NOTE: The color, layer, linestyle, pointstyle defined in the individual entity will overwrite any attributes that are defined for the chain in this command
- TransformMatrix - A 4x4 matrix can be specified to transform the given entities coordinates
- TransformMatrix = {{1,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{10,10,0,0}}
scale = 25.4
line1 = { EntityType="Line", StartPoint={1*scale,0,0}, EndPoint={0.4330*scale,0.9821*scale,0} }
arc1 = { EntityType="ArcFromPoints", EndPoint={-0.4330*scale,0.9821*scale,0}, Center={0,0.7321*scale,0}, IsClockwise=false }
line2 = { EntityType="Line", EndPoint={-1*scale,0,0} }
line3 = { EntityType="Line", EndPoint={1*scale,0,0} }
myContourChain = {Type="ContourChain", List={line1,arc1,line2,line3}}