A list of entities in which each entity is fully defined. The entities contained in this list do not need to be a continuous loop.
The overall structure of a ContourList is a table with the following keys defined:
- CmdName – The name that will be displayed in the Undo/Redo list – This can be excluded if using the Bcc.StartUndo() and Bcc.EndUndo()
- Type="ContourList" - defines the type of chain to be a contour list.
- List - a table containing multiple fully defined wire frame entities
- Color – the entity color can be specified using either the color name or the hexadecimal color value
- Color = “Red”
- Color = “#E400FF”
- Layer – The name of the layer to create the entity on
- Can be an existing layer or if does not exist the layer will be created
- if this is omitted the entity is created on the currently active layer in BobCAD
- LineStyle -The entity line style used. Possible values can be:
- None – This will utilize the active document linestyle – Same as omitting this parameter
- Solid
- Dash
- Dot
- DashDot
- DashDotDot
NOTE: The color, layer, linestyle, pointstyle defined in the individual entity will overwrite any attributes that are defined for the chain in this command
- TransformMatrix - A 4x4 matrix can be specified to transform the given entities coordinates
- TransformMatrix = {{1,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{10,10,0,0}}
scale = 25.4
line1 = { EntityType="Line", StartPoint={1*scale,0,0}, EndPoint={0.4330*scale,0.9821*scale,0} }
arc1 = { EntityType="ArcFromPoints", StartPoint={0.4330*scale,0.9821*scale,0}, EndPoint={-0.4330*scale,0.9821*scale,0}, Center={0,0.7321*scale,0}, IsClockwise=false }
line2 = { EntityType="Line", StartPoint={-0.4330*scale,0.9821*scale,0}, EndPoint={-1*scale,0,0}}
line3 = { EntityType="Line", StartPoint={-1*scale,0,0}, EndPoint={1*scale,0,0}}
myContourList = {Type="ContourList", List={line1,arc1,line2,line3}}