
NURB sphere

BobCAD API supports 2 different table key definition formats for flexibility in coding.


The following Keys can be created inside a table to form a sphere:

Format 1 Keys

  • xOrigin - double value of the X coordinate of the center of the sphere
  • yOrigin - double value of the Y coordinate of the center of the sphere
  • zOrigin - double value of the Y coordinate of the center of the sphere

Format 2 Keys

  • Origin - a table consisting of 3 double positions representing X,Y,Z coordinates of the center of the sphere

Keys in both Format 1 and 2

  • Type="SplineCurve" - Defines this table as a spline entity type
  • Radius - the radius of the defined sphere


Format 1

--Minimal definition

mySphere = { Type="Sphere", xOrigin=25.0, yOrigin=30.0, zOrigin=20.0, Radius=30.0 }

--Complete definition

mySphere = { CmdName="My Sphere", Type="Cylinder", xOrigin=25.0, yOrigin=30.0, zOrigin=20.0, Radius=30.0, Layer="Layer Name", Color="Blue" }

Format 2

--Minimal definition

mySphere = { Type="Sphere", Origin={0.0,0.0,0.0}, Radius=30.0 }

--Complete definition

mySphere = { CmdName="My Sphere", Type="Cylinder", Origin={0.0,0.0,0.0}, Radius=30.0, Layer="Layer Name", Color="Blue" }