When you are finished creating an embossed model, there are three ways to save the model. The model can be saved as a BobCAD file (.bbcd), a BobART Surface file (.bbas), or a Component/.stl.
The use of each file type is as follows:
The BobCAD file type saves all of the information within BobCAD-CAM. This includes any CAD geometry, BobART features, and CAM features. After creating an embossed model, you can machine it using the CAM side of the software without any special handling required. To save all information using the BobCAD file format, use File, Save.
The BobART Surface file saves only the embossed model itself. This does not include the CAD geometry, BobART features, or CAM features. The surface file can be opened using BobART to create another emboss feature. (This method can be used to scale the model to a size that differs from the original.)
Similar to saving a BobART Surface file, the component/.stl file format saves only the model information. When saving an embossed model to the component/.stl file format, you can then use the component to create an Emboss from Component feature. You can also open the component in BobCAD-CAM for machining or any other use within the software.