This type of embossed texture is generated using primitive surfaces (spheres, cones, etc.).
To create an Emboss Texture From Primitives feature:
The Texture From Primitives dialog box displays.
View the Texture From Primitives dialog box
Primitive Shape Control
Type - allows you to select the type of primitive object that is used to generate the embossed texture. The types and the options for each type are listed next:
Radius - is the distance from the center of the sphere to the outside of the sphere.
Z Height - is the height of the sphere in the Z-axis direction used to generate the texture.
X Radius - is the distance from the center of the ellipse to the outside edge, in the X axis only.
Y Radius - is the distance from the center of the ellipse to the outside edge, in the Y axis only.
Z Height - is the height of the ellipsoid in the Z-axis direction used to generate the texture.
Bottom Radius - indicates the distance from the center of the cone to the outside edge of the base.
Top Radius (% of Bottom) - the top radius of the cone is created relative to the Bottom Radius. Typing 50 in this box makes the Top Radius half of the Bottom Radius.
Z Height - indicates the distance between the Top Radius and Bottom Radius.
Randomize the Size
Select this check box to randomize the size of the selected Primitive Type using the value typed in the Variation % box.
Clear the check box to not randomize the primitive size. The Variation % boxes become unavailable.
Variation % - type the percentage value for the possible variation used when the Randomize the Size check box is selected.
Pattern Location Control
The following two options control the distance of the embossed textures by a percentage in the corresponding axis direction:
Spacing X (%)
Spacing Y (%)
NOTE: It is important to know that the spacing works using the bottom left corner of the art surface as a reference position. Typing 100.0 means that the spacing between the reference positions are the width of the original surface. Typing 50.0 indicates that only half of the original width is used for spacing, meaning that only half of the embossed texture is visible due to an overlap of the textures. Typing 150.0 indicates that the distance between the reference positions is one and one-half times the original width of the art surface.
Rotation Angle - allows you to change the angle of the texture surface. The value is applied to all instances of the embossed texture generated by this operation.
Progressive Shift (% Between Rows) - allows you to increase the spacing between embossed textures incrementally through the model. This percentage is added to each additional row.
Randomize the Location
Select the check box to automatically randomize the insertion of the primitives in the embossed texture. The Primitive Density box becomes available.
Clear the check box to use the Spacing, Rotation Angle and Progressive Shift vales to determine the primitive locations.
Primitive Density - defines how dense the primitives appear when using Randomize the Location.
Emboss Attributes
Name - indicates the feature name that is displayed in the BobART tree. By default, it is automatically named by the feature type and number. Note that you cannot use the hyphen (-) character with spaces around it, as this is reserved for the automatic naming and will be removed. You can however use it without spaces, for example, Emboss-Body).
Color - opens the Color dialog box. Select the desired color for the feature, and click OK. (The default color is set using the Solids color of the Settings Part/Settings Default dialog box.)
Application Type
Application Type - indicates what kind of embossing is performed: Add, Subtract, Merge High, or Merge Low. For more information, view the Application Types help topic.
OK - accepts any changes and closes the dialog box. (The first time you click OK, the feature is created and added to the BobART tree.)
Cancel - cancels the creation of the feature (the first time that the dialog box displays). When editing the feature, this cancels any changes and closes the dialog box.
After defining the parameters, you use the Emboss Features in the BobART Tree to finish creating, or edit, the feature.
When you finish defining the feature parameters and click OK, the feature is added to the BobART tree. You right-click each feature item in the tree to access a shortcut menu.
The Feature Shortcut Menus
Texture from Primitives
Right-click this item to access the following commands.
Edit - opens the Feature dialog box for you to modify the feature parameters.
Delete - removes the feature from the tree. Regenerate to view the change in the model.
Suppress/Unsuppress - is used to remove the feature from the model or to restore a suppressed feature. To update the model, Regenerate.
Boundary Geometry
Right-click this item to access the following commands for assigning a boundary. If no boundary is assigned, the texture is applied to the entire model (stock area).
Re/Select - enables selection mode for you to select closed chains in which to confine the feature. You can select multiple closed chains. To confirm your selections, click OK.
Remove - removes any geometry assigned to the feature boundary.
After all necessary selections are made, you must regenerate to create the model.
To Regenerate the Model:
TIP: Every time a change is made to an Emboss feature, you must Regenerate to update the model.