Line Angle
The Angle function creates a line at an angle to a selected entity.
To perform the function, you define the parameters in the Data Entry tab,
and then select wireframe geometry in the graphics area.
To open Line Angle, do one of the following:
The parameters display in the Data Entry tab
of the Data-CAM Tree Manager.
The Data Entry Parameters
- Angle - sets the
angle at which the line is created based on the selected mode. When
using Absolute or Tangent, this is measured from the positive X-axis
of the Active UCS. Relative to Entity is measured from the start or
end of the selected entity.
- Length - sets the
length of the line created.
- Angle Z Axis - for
use with Angle Relative to Entity turned off; sets the angle from
the Z-axis at which the line is created.
- Angle Relative to Entity
- On - creates
the line using the selected entity as the reference for the angle.
The following two option become available.
- Pick Start
- sets the selected location as the beginning of the new entity.
- Pick End
- sets the selected location as the end of the new entity.
- Off - uses the
world coordinate system as the reference for the angle.
- Absolute
- always creates the line using both the Angle and Angle to Z Axis
parameters in reference to the Active UCS.
- Tangent - creates
a line tangent to an arc entity with the angle measured from the X-axis
of the Active UCS. The location that you click on the arc determines
the direction of the line. You can point to either end of the arc
or start point of a circle, to view the CAD preview of the line.
- Cancel - closes the Data
Entry Manager.
Quick Steps - Line Angle
1 Open
the function and define all Data Entry parameters.
You can point to the snap points of a wireframe
entity to display the CAD preview of the line.
2 Click
the snap point of a wireframe entity to create a line.
3 Update
Data Entry parameters if you want to create another line.
4 Repeat
this process as needed.
5 To
close the function, click Cancel.
Related Topics
to Create Line at an Angle to Another Entity