The Point On Entity function creates a point on a wireframe entity at a specified location using one of three methods: Percentage, Distance, or Angle (for arcs only). To perform the function, you define the parameters, and then select geometry in the graphics area.
For the following three options, click the name of the method that you want to use, and then type the value used for the selected method.
Distance - sets the distance from the start of an entity to where the point is placed.
Angle - for use with arcs only; sets the angle from the zero degree location (3 o'clock position) of the selected arc at which the point is placed. The point is placed along the radius of the arc, meaning it may not actually be on the arc. For example, if you create an arc with a Start Angle of 90.00 and an End Angle of 180.00, and then use On Entity with an Angle of 45.00 degrees, the point is not placed on the arc.