PointSketch.png Point Sketch


The Point Sketch function is used to create points at any arbitrary location in the Workspace (it uses the screen position of the mouse pointer). To perform the function, you click anywhere in the Workspace to create the point (sketch). Points are created using the Active UCS (user-coordinate system) as the drawing plane. This function does not support the use of snap points for placing the point.

TIP:   Although Point Sketch uses the Active UCS, you can also change the View to create points on the current viewing plane instead of the Active UCS. Just select any 2D (non-ISO) view, such as Front, Left, or Right, and click to create the points on that plane without changing the Active UCS.


To open Point Sketch, do one of the following:





The parameters display in the DataEntryTabIcon.png Data Entry tab of the Data-CAM Tree Manager.

The Data Entry Parameters

Point Sketch - Quick Steps

1      Select the drawing plane (Active UCS), and open the function.


Note that for Point Sketch, you can also use a (2D) View preset to change the drawing plane. If you change to an ISO view, then the points are created using the Active UCS.


2      Click anywhere in the Workspace to create a point.


3      Click once for each point that you want to create.


Create as many points as needed.


4      Click Cancel to close the Data Entry Manager.

Related Topics

How to Create Points by Sketching