SurfaceOffset.png Offset Surfaces


The Offset function creates an additional surface from an existing surface using the offset value as the distance between the two. You can also use this function to offset solid geometry.





To open the Offset Surfaces function, do one of the following:





The parameters display in the DataEntryTabIcon.png Data Entry tab of the Data-CAM Tree Manager.

The Data Entry Parameters

Selected Geometry

The Selected Geometry list shows all surfaces that have been selected to be offset.



Hide Preview - When the preview is displayed, the Hide Preview option will replace it. Selecting the Hide Preview option will blank the preview.




Distance - sets how far the selected geometry is offset. Negative values are supported to offset in the opposite direction.

NOTE:      The positive direction is the same as the surface normal direction of the selected surface.


WPF_DownArrow.png Options

The Options group includes check boxes to allow you to control the creation of fillets and to keep or remove the original surface upon the creation of the offset. This group can be expanded and collapsed with the WPF_DownArrow.png, and WPF_UpArrow.png icons.


CheckBoxCleared.png Fillet Edges - When cleared, sharp edges on the existing surface, will be retained.


CheckBoxCleared.png Keep Original - When cleared, this option will replace the original surface with the new offset surface.



Quick Steps - Offset Surfaces

1      Open the function and define all Data Entry parameters.


2      Select all surfaces and/or solids to offset with the current parameters.


You can use single selection or window selection.


3      To confirm the selections and create the CAD preview, click OKCheckmarkIconWhite.png OK.


If needed, update the Data Entry parameters. (The changes are reflected in the CAD preview.)

NOTE:      If you turn off the CAD preview, the offsets are created when you confirm the selections.


4      To create the offsets as show in the CAD preview, in the Data Entry tab, click OK.

The feature is added to the CAD Tree.



5      Repeat this process as needed to create other offsets with different parameters.


6      To close the function, click Cancel.


Related Topics

How to Use Offset Surface