Stock Definition

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Once you have selected the Stock Type, you will need to define that stock. Whether you are defining cylindrical stock or revolved stock you will have the same basic definition to set. The main difference is that, since you are selecting geometry for the revolved stock, there is no need to set the stock origin.


The following sections explain the parameters that display for each Stock Type.



The stock size is set using the followings parameters.



Stock Origin

The stock origin is used to define the starting point/location of the stock along the Lathe Z-axis. Type a value here if you need to change the front face of the stock from Z0.


The size of custom stock is defined by revolving the selected geometry that you have already created. Click on Pick Geometry to enable selection mode and select the geometry to revolve. Once the geometry has been selected, confirm the selection by right-clicking and selecting OK.png OK.


NOTE:      The following values are set for you once the geometry has been selected. They can also be altered after selecting geometry. When you change these values, the stock preview is not updated in the graphics area, but the values are saved and used in toolpath creation when the From Stock option is chosen when defining Constraints in the selected feature.



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After setting the stock size in the Stock Definition, click RightArrowNextButton.png (next) to go to the Machine Setup.