Lathe Machine Setup


The Lathe Machine Setup item in the Turning Job is used to add Lathe features, edit the clearance plane values, and define the machining origin for the job. Since Lathe does not support multiple machine setups, all Turning features are added using the default Machine Setup (or other features in the setup). The location of the Lathe Machine Setup is at the WCS or X0Y0Z0, with the Z-axis (for lathe) aligned with the X-axis of the WCS. The X-axis of the Lathe machining origin is aligned with the Y-axis of the WCS. This means that the Machine Setup is automatically set up for proper lathe output. All Turning features are based off of this machining origin.





NOTE:      The Machine Setup coordinate system shown in the previous image is the Lathe machining origin for NC program output. Notice that Lathe Z-axis is automatically aligned with the X-axis of the WCS (world coordinate system) shown in the lower-left corner. This means that you use the XY plane of the CAD system to draw the feature geometry and have it properly aligned to the lathe machining origin.

Right-click Machine Setup to open a shortcut menu with the following commands. These include commands for modifying the machine setup (clearance plane values) and adding machining features.


MachineSetupIcon.png Machine Setup

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Machine Setup

Lathe Wizard


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