The Miscellaneous Toolbar


The Miscellaneous toolbar contains many commonly used functions.

The Miscellaneous Functions

OKIconLarge.png OK - confirms geometry selections for CAD and CAM.


CancelIcon.png Cancel - cancels a selection or function.


ModToCurLineStyleIcon.png Modify Line Style to Current - changes the selected entities to the active line style.


ModToCurColorIcon.png Modify Color to Current - changes the selected entities to the active color.


ModToCurLayerIcon.png Modify Layer to Current - places the currently selected entities on the active layer.


EntityModifyIcon.png Entity Modify - allows you to modify the size and location of the selected entity.


MeasureOneIcon.png Measure One - when this function is active, you can select individual entities and the entity data is displayed in the Measure dialog box.


MeasureTwoIcon.png Measure Two - when this function is active, you can measure the distance and angle between two entities.


ChangeLineToDashed.png Change Line Style to Dashed - converts selected entities to a dashed line style.


ChangeLineToSolid.png Change Line Style to Solid - converts selected entities to a solid line style.