Create Text


  1. Open a new graphics area. To do this, left click on the File menu at the top of the screen and then left click on New.

  2. Click on the Text icon on the Drafting toolbar or select the Text function from the Text menu.
  3. The Data-CAM Tree Manager will be populated with fields for user input.

  4. In the dialog box:

    1. Left click on the Bold button and the Windows Font button to select them.

    2. In the Font field, select Times New Roman.

    3. In the Text field, type in "BobCAD-CAM".

    4. Make the Text Angle 0.0.

    5. Input 1.375 for the Text Height.

    6. In Ext. Spacing input 0.25.

    7. Unselect the Drag option.

  5. Click OK.

  6. The text will have been placed in the graphics area.




  1. To end this function, click Cancel in the Data-CAM Tree Manager.

  2. To modify the location of the text, enter into selection mode my right-clicking in the CAD window and choose the Select option or clicking on the shortcut icon.

  3. Hover over the text until it highlights and left-click to select it.

  4. Once selected, right-click in the CAD window and choose the Entity Modify option. The Text function will open in the Data-CAM Tree Manager.

  5. Click the Drag option and select OK.

  6. Move your mouse in the CAD window and notice the Text preview moving with your mouse.

  7. Click anywhere to place your text.

  8. To end this function, click Cancel in the Data-CAM Tree Manager.