Extract Edges Single

Example 1

  1. Open a new graphics area by selecting the New function from the File menu, or by clicking on the New icon on the File toolbar.

  2. Click on View in the main menu, hover the cursor over Views and choose the ISO1 option to place the view in a 3 dimensional mode.

  3. Click on the Cube icon on the Solids toolbar or select the Cube function from the Solids menu.

  4. Input 2 for the Length, 2 for the Height, and 2 for the Height. In the Origin field, left click on the Enter button, select Center from the drop-down field, and input 0.0 for X, Y, and Z.

  5. Click OK to create a cube in the graphics area.

  6. Click on the Single function in the Extract Edges submenu under Utilities.
  7. The Data-CAM Tree Manager will be populated only with a Cancel button.

  8. Left click on the top surface of the cube to select it.

  9. Right click anywhere in the graphics area and choose OK in the menu that will appear.
  10. Right click anywhere in the graphics area again and choose Entity Summary. Notice that the Quantity of Entities is 5. There are 4 lines and 1 solid.

  11. Click OK to close the Entity Summary dialog.

  12. To end this function, left click on Cancel in the Data-CAM Tree Manager, or right click anywhere in the graphics area and choose Cancel from the pop-up menu.