The Settings Default Dialog Box

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The Settings Default dialog box contains all of the default settings that are available for the software, that are applied to all new files that are created after the settings are changed. To change the default settings for the current file only, you use the Settings Part dialog box.


To access the Settings Default dialog box:


The Dialog Box Parameters

DirectoriesIconSettDefault.png Directories

Each item listed shows the file path in which the files for each item are stored. Click the EllipsisButtonIcon16x16.png button next to each item to open the Browse for Folder dialog box. You can select a new folder in which to store the files for the selected item. Generally these should not be changed from the default directories.


NOTE:     Incorrect modification of these file paths can cause the system to malfunction. Do not alter these paths unless you fully understand how they work.


CheckBoxSelected.png Select the check box to create and store backup files.

CheckBoxCleared.png Clear the check box to turn off file backups.

CheckBoxSelected.png Select this check box to store the backup files in the location determined by the Backup directory option.

CheckBoxCleared.png Clear the check box to store the backup files in the same location as the saved file.

DisplayIconSettDef.png Display


The color group displays all of the items for which a default color can be assigned. To change a color, click the arrow next to the color and select the desired color.

For the following three items, you must click the name to turn on the color option.


Axis X-Y


NOTE:      Moving the slider to the far right increases the amount of memory consumed for rendering images in the Workspace. This may result in stuttering movement when the view zoom, pan, and rotate functions are used. This function does not change the real surface quality, it only adjusts the display to save memory. With the slider all the way to the left, a round surface is still round though it may not appear to be.


Solids Wireframe Line


UCS Plane Display

SystemIconSettDef.png System

CAD Tolerance


Snap Increment  - Snap Increment acts like a uniform grid in the workspace to which wireframe entities or sketch handles are snapped.

CAM Tolerance

The following settings are the tolerances used to calculate toolpath and create the NC code. The value defines the maximum deviation allowed between the target geometry and the toolpath output. A larger number results in less NC program code but also creates a less accurate toolpath. A smaller setting improves the toolpath, but may generate more NC program code than desired.


Color Button

The Color Button refers to any named button in the software that displays a special color when you turn on the option. This can also be for multiple options that show the selected item using the defined color.

CheckBoxSelected.png Select this check box to turn on the color button.

CheckBoxCleared.png Clear the check box to turn off the color button.


Auto Save

CheckBoxSelected.png Select the check box to turn on automatic file saving.

CheckBoxCleared.png Clear the check box to turn off automatic file saving.


BobCAD Style

The BobCAD Style controls the appearance of the user interface. Select one of the following options: Office, DotNet, None, Glass, or Vista.



CheckBoxSelected.png Select the check box to have all of the CAD menus combined into one menu.

CheckBoxCleared.png Clear the check box to use the default CAD menus.

CheckBoxSelected.png Select the check box to make the Enter key function the same as the Tab key.

CheckBoxCleared.png Clear the check box to use the normal Enter key functioning.

CheckBoxSelected.png Select the check box to have the zoom-in and zoom-out view commands use the mouse pointer screen position as the center of the zoom window. This allows automatic panning of the workspace when using the scroll wheel to zoom in and zoom out.

CheckBoxCleared.png Clear the check box to have the zoom-in and zoom-out view commands always use the center of the screen.

CheckBoxSelected.png Select the check box to swap the direction of the mouse scroll wheel. For example, the default zoom-out scrolling direction becomes zoom-in direction.

CheckBoxCleared.png Clear the check box to use the default scroll wheel direction.

CheckBoxSelected.png Select the check box to enable the use of a 3D mouse within BobCAD-CAM.

CheckBoxCleared.png Clear the check box to turn off the use of a 3D mouse within BobCAD-CAM.

This option is used to display a small sphere in the Workspace that represents the center of rotation that is used with the view rotation commands. With an empty Workspace, this displays at the WCS, but updates based on the geometry and viewing position of the Workspace.

UnitsIconSettDef.png Units

The Units group controls what type of units values are used in the software. Select from one of the following options: Millimeter, Centimeter, Decimeter, Meter, Inch, Custom. When Custom is selected, in the 1 Unit is box, type the equivalent value in millimeters for the custom unit.


TextIconSettDef.png Text

The Text group controls the default settings that are used for the Text function. The settings made here are displayed in the Data Entry tab for the Text function.


ArrowsIconSettDef.png Arrows

The following settings control the appearance of the arrows that are used when creating Dimensions.



Select one of the options, as shown, to define whether the arrows for dimensions appear on the inside or outside of the witness lines.



Select one of the options, as shown, to define position and number of the arrows used.



Select one of the options, as shown, to define the position and number of leader lines used.



Select one of the options, as shown, to define the arrow types used.

DimensionIconSettDef.png Dimension

The settings made here are the default settings that are displayed in the Data Entry tab for creating Dimensions.






Leader Extension




Witness Line


Dimension Line Text

PointStylesIconSettDef.png Point Styles

The Point Styles control how points that are created are displayed in the Workspace. Select one of the options, as shown, to define the point style used.




After making any changes in the Settings Default dialog box, click OK to accept the changes, or click Cancel to not accept the changes that were made. 


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The Settings Part Dialog Box