Nesting Summary Example

Part Name     Nested Quantity       Max Quantity          Leftover Quantity


 Part 1                              74                              520                               446                 

 Part 2                              20                               20                                  0                   

 Part 3                              20                               20                                  0                   

 Part 4                              19                               20                                  1                   

 Part 5                              20                               20                                  0                   

 Part 6                               7                                  7                                   0                   

 Part 7                               7                                  7                                   0                   

 Part 8                               3                                  3                                   0                   

 Part 9                               3                                  3                                   0      


Total Number of Part Types Nested   9

Total Number of Part Instances Nested  173

Total Number of Parts Not Nested  447


Sheet Name     Utilization     Sheet Area      Nested Area


 Sheet-1-1             85.277%          4608.000            3929.560


Total Number of Sheets Nested  1

Effective Utilization  85.277%


Max Quantity : includes filler part quantities in total.

Leftover Quantity : includes filler part quantities in total.

Total Number of Parts Not Nested :  includes filler part quantities in total.