The Verification Tab
The Verification tab contains controls to create a gouge and excess report as well as the refine view options as explained next. Note that all of these buttons become unavailable when the simulation is set to Backplot mode (these options are used with the Material Removal mode).
Gouge and Excess Report
The gouge report internally runs the deviation analysis on the part to display gouges and excess (rest material) in one of two ways.
Gouge and Excess Report - runs
a deviation analysis in the background and then displays the results in
the Report tab on the right side of the simulation interface. After clicking
this button to create the report, the Show Gouges and Show Excess buttons
become available, but only if there are gouges or excess material.
Show Gouges - displays windows
directly inside of the simulation window indicating details about the
detected gouging. Click this button again to remove the gouge report window.
Show Excesses - displays window
directly inside of the simulation window indicating details about the
detected excess material. Click this button again to remove the excess
report window.
Dynamic Refine
The simulation uses automatic quality improvement when the simulation is stopped. In order to see a more detailed view of a specific area, the Dynamic Refine option allows you to zoom in to update the view of the currently visible portion of the model, for example, of the finish in a certain area. When you click Apply Refine, the view of the part is updated and the portion of the model that isn't visible in the simulation window is removed from view until you click Reset Refine.
Apply Refine - renders the view
in the simulation window to show only the visible part of the model (you
should be zoomed in closely and not be able to view the entire part) in
an improved resolution.
Reset Refine - returns the view
in the simulation window to the normal view.