The Default Parameter Templates
This topic will explain the Default Parameter Templates, describe how to access the dialog, and explain the options in the dialog. This topic will also explain how to create them, how to use them, and will provide links to related topics.
The Default Parameter Templates
Default Parameter Templates are designed to allow you to decide what the default values are set to when a particular feature, and operation is created.
In some cases, users can find themselves changing the same options to the same values every time they use a particular feature or operation. This is where the Default Parameter Templates are useful. If, while you are programming in the wizard, you decide you want particular values to be the same every time, just create a template by clicking the Save Defaults button at the bottom of the wizard. That will launch the Save Default Parameters dialog to allow you to decide what template to save to, and what to save to it.
When a new CAM Job is created, select a Default Parameter Template from the list available in the Machining Job dialog. You can also change the template in the CAM Tree on a job that has already been created. With the proper template saved to the CAM Tree, every feature and operation which have had custom parameters saved to the template will automatically be loaded with those parameters as their default values.
To access the Save Default Parameters dialog:
- In any of the Machining Wizards, the Save Defaults button will be visible at the bottom of the Feature page, and all subsequent pages.
Click Save Defaults.
The Save Default Parameters template appears.
The Save Default Parameters dialog
Tip: You can create these templates as you are programming jobs and come across particular feature/operation parameters values you think should be changed to a value which could be utilized for a variety of jobs in the future. However, if you always find yourself using a lot of the same parameters in several features/operations constantly, take the time to create a feature with all the operations whose default values you would like to alter. Once you go through the wizard to update those particular values, and save them to a template, those features/operations will always be loaded with your preferred values when you have that template assigned to the job. Rest finishing options will not be saved.
Warning: Many daily users of BobCAD usually know exactly what parameters they need to change, and skip over everything in between. When saving default parameters to a template, be sure the options being changed, and the values they are being changed to, will not cause an issue if they are overlooked in the future.
To which template?
This group allows you to select the template to save the current parameters to.
- Current Template - saves the current parameters to the currently selected template.
- New Template - allows you to create, and name, a new template to save the current parameters to.
- Name - sets the name of the template to be created.
- Name - sets the name of the template to be created.
- Existing Template - allows you to select from a list of existing templates to determine which template will have the current parameters saved to it.
- This list will display all currently existing templates. Click on one to highlight it, and this will be the template which has the current parameters saved to it.
- Save Feature Information
- None of the parameters on the Feature page of the wizard will be saved in the template.
- The parameters on the Feature page of the wizard will be saved in the template.
Which operation(s)?
This group lists all operations currently in the feature, and allows you to deselect the check box on any operations whose parameters you do not want to be saved to the selected template.
Listed Operation - This operation is still selected and will have its parameters saved to the selected template.
Listed Operation 1 - This operation has been cleared, and so will not have its parameters saved to the selected template.
Note: As you can see in the above example operations (Listed Operation, and Listed Operation 1), if multiples of the same operation type are in the list, they are numbered.
- Save - exits the dialog and saves the selected parameters to the selected templates.
- Cancel - exists the dialog without saving any of the parameters to a template.
Using Default Parameter Templates
Selecting During Job Creation
Note: All CAM Jobs have a Default Parameter Template assigned to it. Before the first template is created, the System Default Template is used.
The process of creating a CAM Job in BobCAD-CAM includes selecting the type of job, the machine, and the Default Parameter Template.
- To create a new CAM Job, do one of the following:
- In the CAM Job group of the CAM ribbon, click
New Job.
- In the Quick Access Toolbar of the CAM Tree Manager, click
- In the CAM Tree Manager, right-click
CAM Defaults, and click New Job.
The Machining Job dialog appears.
- In the CAM Job group of the CAM ribbon, click
- Under Job Type, select the desired job type.
- Under Machine, select the desired machine.
- Under Default Parameter Template, select the desired template.
- Click Stock Wizard.
The Workpiece dialog launches.
Note: At this point, you would move through the Stock Wizard as you normally would. When you click OK to confirm and exit, the selected default parameter template would be listed directly under the Job. Prior to any templates being customized, the System Default template is still selected, and you are ready to being modifying it, or creating others.
Creating and Modifying Templates
Step 1) Create a feature
- In the CAM Tree, right-click a
Machine Setup and create a feature as you normally would.
The corresponding Wizard launches. - On the Feature page, and the remaining pages, notice the Save Defaults button at the bottom of the Wizard.
This is the option we will use later, but for now, move through the wizard and alter all of the values you feel should have a different default value.
Tip: Keep in mind, we can also save and load features. Saved features obviously have all of their values, and the values used in the their operations saved. In saving these defaults, we don't want a completely customized feature and operation(s) for a single specific part, we only want to change what we find ourselves changing on every feature and operation we use. For example; While other parameters change often, when creating a Profile Rough, we almost always use Contour Ramping, with Machine Compensation set to Comp Left / G41, and our Leads are set to Circular. In that case, move through the wizard and modify only those options before programming the rest.
Step 2) Save the values to a template
- Once all the values you feel should be used as default have been updated in the wizard, click Save Defaults.
The Save Default Parameters dialog appears. - In the To which template? group, choose the appropriate option in the list depending on whether you are updating the Current, New, or Existing Template.
- If you are trying to save any changes to the Feature page, select the check box for Save Feature Information.
Tip: Remember, a feature is the overall item you select from the machine setup, like a Mill 2 Axis Feature. Saving feature information will save values that affect every operation in this feature, like Rapid Plane, Top of Feature, and Extension(s).
- In the Which operation(s)? group, clear the check box of any, and all, operation(s) whose values you do not want to update in the selected template.
- Click Save.
The Save Default Parameters dialog disappears. - If you are working on a part, move through the wizard and program it as you normally would, then click Finish, Compute, or Cancel to exit the wizard.
Changing the Default Parameter Template
Note: The fist step in this section assumes only one job has been added to the CAM Tree.
- The second item in the CAM Tree is always the current job. Directly under that, you will see the currently selected Default Parameter Template.
Right-click the Default Parameter Template, and select Edit.
The Parameter Template Selection dialog appears. - Highlight the desired template name, and click OK.
The selected template is now assigned to the job. When those features and operations are used again, they will have the default values you have assigned in the template.
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