The Emboss Features in the BobART Tree


This topic defines the various items found in the context menus of the BobART features.

Context Menus

A feature in the BobART Tree looks similar to the following. You right-click each level of the feature to access a context menu for each item.


Regular Emboss 1 - Add


Cross-Section Geometry

Emboss Features in the BobART Tree

When an Emboss feature is added to the BobART tree, the following feature items are also added for modifying the feature. This may include assigning or replacing feature geometry, custom cross-sections, image files, BobART surface files, and component/stl files. Many of the feature items are common to multiple Emboss features so they are all explained next. The bullet points in each list represent the possible items found in the context menus.

Common Items

Emboss Feature

    • Edit - opens the Feature dialog box for you to modify the feature parameters.

    • Delete - removes the feature from the tree. Regenerate to view the change in the model.

    • Suppress/Unsuppress - is used to remove the feature from the model or to return a suppressed feature. This is used to update the model with or without the feature in order to compare or create multiple versions of the same model. To update the model, Regenerate. You can see an example of this here.

    • Save As Component/STL - is used to save the feature as a component or .stl file. This saves the individual feature and not the entire model. The STL Save Option dialog box displays for you to set the tolerance. Next, the Save As dialog box displays for you to select a location, name the file, and save it. The component can be used to create an Emboss from Component feature.



    • Re/Select - enables selection mode for you to select geometry that is used to create the feature.

    • Remove - removes any geometry assigned to the feature.


Note: For the Smoothing feature, you do not need to select geometry when using Smooth Whole Model. You only need to assign geometry to a Smoothing feature when confining the operation to a specific area of the model.


Cross-Section Geometry

    • Re/Select - enables selection mode for you to select the geometry that is used for the cross section.

    • Remove - removes any geometry assigned to the cross section.

    • Reverse Direction - reverses the chain direction of the selected cross section.


Boundary Geometry

The Boundary Geometry item is only used with the Emboss Texture feature types. When no geometry is selected, the texture is applied to the entire model, or you can use the following options to confine the texture.

    • Re/Select - enables selection mode for you to select closed chains in which to confine the feature. You can select multiple closed chains.

    • Remove - removes any geometry assigned to the feature boundary.


Art Surface

    • Re/LoadArt Surface - displays the Open dialog box for you to locate and select a BobART surface file (.bbas file). The art surface is applied to the model when you regenerate. You can use this option to replace the current surface file.


  • Re/LoadModel File - displays the Open dialog box for you to locate and select a component/stl file. You can use this option to replace the current component for the feature. The new component is applied to the model when you regenerate.



    • Re/Load Image - displays the Open dialog box for you to select a file type, select an image file, and click Open. The image is used to create the feature. Regenerate to view the change in the model.

    • Edit Image Using Paint - select this option to open the image for editing in the Paint program. When you are done editing, save the changes and exit the program. Regenerate to view the change in the model.

2 Rail Sweep

Cross-Section Geometry-1

    • Re/Select - enables selection mode and assign the appropriate geometry to this cross section.

    • Remove - remove any geometry assigned to the cross section.

    • Reverse Direction - reverses the chain direction of the cross section.

    • Edit - opens the 2-Rail Sweep Cross-Section Geometry Location dialog box which allows you to edit the Location % of this cross section. In order to use this option, you must clear the Automatically space cross sections check box in the 2 Rail Sweep dialog box first.

    • Add New Cross Section Geometry - adds another Cross-Section Geometry item to the 2-Rail Sweep to allow the use of multiple cross-sections.

    • Delete Cross Section Geometry - deletes the Cross-Section Geometry item from the tree.

Generating the Model

After all necessary selections are made, you must regenerate to create the model.


To Regenerate the Model:


  • Right-click Emboss Model, and click Regenerate.


Note: Every time a change is made to an Emboss feature, you must Regenerate to update the model.

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