

This topic explains the Links page found in the Mill 3 Axis Wizard for the following operations:


  • Flatlands
  • Equidistant
  • Pencil
  • Project Curves



  • Follow - follows the contour of the surface being machined.

  • Direct - creates a direct linear move from one pass to the next.


  • Horizontal/Vertical - creates a vertical move then a horizontal move when travelling towards the top of the surface.  If travelling down a surface the system creates a horizontal move then a vertical move.

  • Spiral - creates a helical move between each path using the Radius and Tolerance values.

  • Radius - sets the size of the spiral link.

  • Tolerance - sets tolerance of the spiral used for the link. The smaller the value, the smoother the link is between paths.

  • S-Link - creates an s-shaped link to smoothly transition from one pass to the next.

  • Full Retract - creates a retract move to the rapid plane to link one pass to the next pass.

  • Rapid Retract for Large Gaps - when the tool needs to move from one area to another, it will utilize a rapid movement between those locations. This options allows you to decide at which speed to retract to that rapid.

    - Select the check box to set the retract movement to the rapid as a rapid move instead of the maximum feedrate.

    - Clear the check box to leave the retract movement remain at the maximum feedrate.



  • Max Link Gap (% of Tool Diameter) - sets the maximum gap between passes, to which it may apply this link type, before retracting the tool. If the distance between the end of one pass and the start of next pass is the same as or smaller than this value, it does not link them. If the distance between the ends of the passes is greater, the tool is retracted to clearance for safety. The value is a percentage of the tool diameter.