

This topic explains the Leads page of the 4 Axis Rotary operation found in the Mill 4 Axis Rotary Wizard.



  • Plunge - the tool plunges directly to the start point of the toolpath. The Lead-in and Lead-out settings become available.



    • Single Depth - From the Feed Plane, Single Depth will move at the Plunge Feedrate to the full Depth of Cut.

    • Peck - From the Feed Plane, Peck will move at the Plunge Feedrate to the Peck Depth, return to the Feed Plane with a rapid move, rapid down to a point above the last depth equal to the amount of the Feed Plane being used, before continuing to the next Peck Depth amount at the Plunge Feedrate. This method will be repeated until the full Depth of Cut is reached.

      • Peck Depth - sets the increment to use for each peck.


    • Fast Peck - From the Feed Plane, Peck will move at the Plunge Feedrate to the Peck Depth, Rapid up to an amount equal the Feed Plane being used, before continuing to the next Peck Depth amount at the Plunge Feedrate. This method will be repeated until the full Depth of Cut is reached.

      • Peck Depth - sets the increment to use for each peck.





  • Ramp - creates a linear ramp move into the stock. The ramps are automatically adjusted, based on values entered, so that collision into the model is avoided. When this option is selected the following boxes become available.


    • Angle of Approach - sets the angle between the ramp motion and the top of the stock.


  • Spiral - creates a helical entry into the toolpath. When this option is selected the following boxes become available.


    • Spiral Radius - sets the distance from the center of the spiral to the edge of the spiral, when viewing the ramp from the top.

    • Angle of Approach - sets the angle between the ramp motion and the top of the stock.




  • Vertical - generates a plunge feed move into the feature.

  • Parallel - generates a linear feed move into the feature using the Length value, which is parallel to the first move of the feature.

  • Right Angle - generates a linear feed at a right angle to the first move of the feature.

  • Circular - generates a radial move into the feature using the Radius value.

    • Radius - for the Circular lead option, this sets the radius of the approach into the toolpath.

    • Length - for the Parallel and Right Angle lead options, this sets the distance of travel before the cutter reaches the defined edge.

    • Angle - for the Circular lead option, this sets the total sweep of the arc lead-in.



  • Same As Lead-in
    - Select this check box to use the Lead-in settings to automatically set the Lead-out settings.
    - Clear the check box to set the Lead-out independently from the Lead-in .

  • Vertical - generates a plunge feed move out of the feature.

  • Parallel - generates a linear feed move out of the feature.

  • Right Angle - generates a lead-out at a right angle to the toolpath.

  • Circular - generates a radial move out of the feature using the Radius value.

    • Radius - sets the radius of the departure from the profile for the Circular lead option.

    • Length - for the Parallel and Right Angle lead options, this sets the distance of travel for moving away from the defined edge.

    • Angle - for the Circular lead option, this sets the total sweep of the arc for the circular lead.

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