The graphics area Shortcut Menu


This topic will explain the shortcut menu in the graphics area, the options found in it, and will provide links to related topics.


To access the graphics area shortcut menu:


  • Right-click anywhere in the graphics area.

The graphics area Shortcut Menu

The graphics area shortcut menu provides access to many of the options that are available from the BobCAD-CAM menus or toolbars along with many other useful functions.


  • OK - is used primarily after selecting geometry to confirm the selection. (You can also press the Spacebar.) This can sometimes be used to perform functions from the Data Entry Manager.

  • Cancel - allows you to cancel the current function.

  • Modify Attributes - allows you to modify the attributes of selected entities.

  • Modify to Current - allows you to modify the attributes of selected entities to the current settings.

  • Set Color By Example - allows you to change the active drawing color (shown in the status bar) to the color of a selected entity. You must enable selection mode, and then right-click directly on the entity that you want to use (to set the new active drawing color). The entity must be a different color than the currently active drawing color. When you click Set Color By Example, the active color is updated.

  • Entity Modify - opens the Data Entry tab for you to modify the parameters of the selected entity. You must first enable selection mode and select geometry that you want to modify to make this option available.

  • Measure - opens the Measure Entity window allowing you to measure entities that you select in the graphics area. You can select from Measure Entity or Measure Two Entities.

  • Entity Summary - opens the Entities Summary dialog box which gives numerous parameters of either selected entities, or when no selections are made, all the entities in the graphics area.

  • Views - allows you to access the available view presets. For more information on the views, see The Document Toolbar topic.

  • Refresh - is used to refresh the graphical display of the graphics area.