The Data Entry Manager


This topic will explain the Data Entry Manager, will show where to find it initially, and provide a link for the topic that shows how to relocate the Data Entry Manager. There will also be a link to the CAD Overview which shows the functions that utilize the Data Entry Manager.

The Data Entry Manager

The Data Entry Manager is located, by default, on the left side of the application, docked with the CAD Tree Manager, the CAM Tree Manager, and the BobART Manager. The location of the Data Entry Manager, however, can be adjusted to preference, as explained in the  Introduction to Docking Panes topic. When starting a file from scratch, the Data Entry Manager is, most likely, the first Manager pane you will be introduced to. When you first select a CAD creation tool, its parameters will automatically be opened in the Data Entry Manager. Through the Data Entry Manager, you will make choices and enter data as necessary, and either cancel out of the function, or choose another function to use.


Related Topics

The CAD Overview