Emboss Texture From Image Example 1


This topic explains how to create an Emboss Texture from Image feature with BobART. This is a great way to add a machineable texture to an embossed model. In this example you create an emboss feature using a seamless/repeatable wood texture image file. You explore the available feature parameters as you apply the texture to an existing model.

Example File

The BobCAD part file for this tutorial is available for download at: http://www.bobcad.com/helpfiles. If you are connected to the Internet, you can click the link provided to download and save the Emboss Texture from Image Example 1.bbcd zip file. After downloading the zip file, extract the files on your system in a place that is easy to remember. You can then open the BobCAD file (.bbcd) to use with this tutorial.


In this example you open an existing file with a sign that was made using Emboss from Component. The image file that is used to create a texture is shown next.



Part 1) Open the Example File

  1. in the Quick Access Toolbar, click Open.

  2. In the Open dialog, select the folder in which you saved the example files.

  3. Select Emboss Texture from Image Example 1.bbcd, and click Open.


The file is opened and the model is displayed in the graphics area.



Part 2) Add the Feature and Select the Image File

  1. In the  BobART Manager, right-click  Emboss Model.

    Point to EmbossTexture, and click From Image.

    The Texture From Image dialog is displayed.

  2. In the Name box, select the text, and type Hardwood Texture.

    Click Color. In the Color dialog, select a color and click OK.

    Click the Application Type arrow, and click Merge High.

    To close the dialog and add the feature to the BobART tree, click OK.

  3. In the BobART tree, right-click  Image, and click Re/Load Image.

    The Open dialog is displayed.

  4. At the bottom of the dialog, next to Files of Type, click the arrow and select All Files at the bottom of the list.


Locate the folder in which you saved the example file, and select Dusty Wood.png.


Click Open.

Part 3 Add the Texture and Edit the Feature Parameters

  1. To add the feature to the model, right-click  Emboss Model, and click Regenerate.

    Img Img

    With the Merge High application type and the small Z Depth, the texture only appears in the lowest area of the model.

  2. In the BobART tree, right-click  Hardwood Texture, and click Edit.

    The Texture From Image dialog is displayed.

  3. Notice the Current Attributes group on the right side of the dialog. The size of the selected image and the model are displayed for reference. The image size is used to set the spacing of the texture/pattern.

    Click Scale to Stock Size. This is useful when you are using an image file that is not a seamless/repeatable texture or you do not want the texture/image to repeat.

    In the Z Depth box, select the text, and type 0.350.

    To close the dialog, click OK.

  4. To add the changes to the model, right-click  Emboss Model, and click Regenerate.


Img Img

Part 4) Edit the Image Size

  1. Right-click  Hardwood Texture, and click Edit.

  2. To create the texture using the actual size of the image, set Scale X to 100.00 and Scale Y to 100.00.

    Because the image is smaller than the model, the texture is now repeated multiple times.

    To close the dialog, click OK.

  3. Right-click Emboss Model, and click Regenerate.


Img Img

Part 5) Edit the Pattern Spacing

  1. Right-click  Hardwood Texture, and click Edit.

    To show you how the spacing works. set Spacing X to 125.00 and Spacing Y to 125.00.

    The texture now uses 125 percent of the size of the image for each repetition of the pattern.

    Click OK.

  2. Right-click Emboss Model, and click Regenerate.

    Img Img

  3. Edit the feature, and in the Progressive Shift box, type 40.00.

  4. Click OK, and Regenerate the feature.


Img Img


Notice that the start point of each row of the texture is progressively shifted (by 40 percent).

Part 6) Rotate the Texture

  1. Right-click Hardwood Texture, and click Edit.

  2. In the Spacing X box, double-click to select the text, and type 100.00.

  3. Press Tab, and type 100.00 in the Spacing Y box.

  4. Press Tab, and type 65.00 in the Rotation Angle box.

  5. Press Tab, and In the Progressive Shift box, type 0.00.

  6. Click OK, and Regenerate the model.

    Img Img

Part 7) Add a Second Feature and Assign a Boundary

The settings used thus far have allowed us to avoid assigning a boundary to contain the texture. When you do not assign a boundary, you are applying the texture to the entire model. In this part, you add another feature, and apply the texture to the border of the sign.


  1. In the BobART tree, right-click Emboss Model.

    Point to Emboss Texture, and click From Image.

  2. In the Name box, select the text, and type Border Texture.

    Confirm the Application Type is set to Add.

    In the Z Depth box, select the text, and type 0.750.

    Click OK.

  3. In the BobART tree under  Border Texture, right-click  Image, and click Re/Load Image.

    At the bottom of the Open dialog, next to Files of Type, click the arrow and select All Files at the bottom of the list.

    Select Dusty Wood.png.

    Click Open.

  4. In the BobART tree, right-click  BoundaryGeometry, and click Re/Select.

    Press E to hide the model.

    In the graphics area, press and hold Shift, and click any line of the outer boundary as shown next.

    Img Img

    Continue to hold Shift, and click any line of the inner boundary as shown next.

    Img Img

    To confirm the selection, click OK. (You can also press Spacebar.)

  5. Right-click Emboss Model, and click Regenerate.

    Click anywhere in the graphics area, and press E to show the model.

    Img Img

  6. Right-click Border Texture, and click Edit.

    Click Scale to Stock Size.

    Click OK, and Regenerate the model.

    Img Img

  7. Right-click Border Texture, and click Edit.


Set the Z Depth to 2.00.


Click the Application Type arrow, and click Merge High.


Click OK, and Regenerate the model.


Img Img


Even though the Z Depth of the feature is currently 2.00, the total height of the model is actually less than 1.00. This is done to show you that the Z Depth for Emboss Texture from Image does not necessarily create the feature at exactly the specified depth. The Z Depth is based on the information in the image file used. Sometimes you need to experiment to create the desired result. The last result is an interesting texture that blends with the surface beneath it.


This concludes the tutorial.

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