Emboss from BobART Surface File Example 1


This help topic explains how to create an Emboss from BobART Surface (.bbas) File feature. This example uses an existing BobART model to show you how to use the feature with other existing features as you work towards a finished product.

Example File

The BobCAD part file for this tutorial is available for download at: http://www.bobcad.com/helpfiles. If you are connected to the Internet, you can click the link provided to download and save the Emboss Art Sign Example.bbcd zip file. After downloading the zip file, extract the files on your system in a place that is easy to remember. You can then open the BobCAD file (.bbcd) to use with this tutorial.


In the example file provided, a few emboss features are already created to make an artistic sign as shown in the following image. The second image shows the BobART Surface file (.bbas) that is added to the sign in this example.


Img Img

Part 1) Open the Part File and Save As

  1. After downloading the zip file and extracting the files to your system, in the Quick Access Toolbar, click Open.

  2. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the location/folder in which you saved the example file.

    Click Emboss Art Sign Example.bbcd, and click Open.

    This example part is used for multiple emboss feature tutorials in this help system. For this reason, you save the file with a new name so that you can use the original file with other tutorials. (You can always download the file a second time if you have modified the original example file.)

  3. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save As. (The Save As dialog box should automatically open the correct folder. If it does not, select the appropriate folder.)

  4. In the Save As dialog box, click in the File Name box.

    Change the name to Emboss from BBAS Example.bbcd


To save the file with the new name, click Save.


Tip: The method of renaming the file can be very helpful for keeping an original file intact so that you can experiment with various versions of the same file. You may want to append a version number or name to the end of each file name.

Part 2) Add the Feature

  1. In the BobART Manager, right-click Emboss Model, and click Emboss from BobART Surface (.bbas) File.

    The Open dialog box is displayed.

  2. Navigate the to the location of the example files, select Scroll.bbas, and click Open.

    The Create Emboss from BobART Surface File dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click Color. In the Color dialog box, click a red color and click OK.

  4. For this example, leave all of the other default settings, and click OK.

    This allows us to calculate the model and see the current condition of the feature before defining the parameters.

  5. When you create emboss features, the model must be recalculated to update the results.


In the BobART tree, right-click Emboss Model, and click Regenerate.


Img Img


When the feature is added, you can see that the size and location of the feature need to be modified. In the next part, you learn how to edit the feature and make the appropriate changes.

Part 3) Edit the Feature Parameters

When you created the emboss feature, it was added to the BobART tree below the previous feature. You use the feature in the BobART tree to edit the feature parameters.


  1. Right-click Art Surface Emboss 4, and click Edit.

    The Create Emboss from BobART Surface dialog box is displayed.

  2. In the Origin group, set the X value to 2.00, and set the Y value to 2.00.

  3. To close the dialog box, click OK.

    The feature needs to be recalculated to update the change on the model.

  4. Right-click Emboss Model, and click Regenerate.

    The location of the feature is updated in the graphics area. The origin of the feature (the bottom-left corner of the feature) is moved to X2Y2.

    Img Img

    After moving the feature, we can see that we want the filigree (scroll) to be larger than the size at which it was created.

  5. Right-click Art Surface Emboss 4, and click Edit.

  6. In the Model Size group, in the X Size box, change the value to 4.00, and press Tab.

    Notice that the Y Size value is automatically updated. This is because the Keep X/Y Aspect Ratio is active.

    Click OK to close the dialog box.

  7. To update the model, Regenerate (as in Step 4).


Img Img


After updating the feature, the desired size is achieved. The feature is then edited and the color is changed to match the rest of the model. (The color of emboss features is updated without the need to regenerate the model.)


Img Img


This concludes the tutorial.

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