Chamfer Mill Operation Overview



This topic will give you an overview of what a Chamfer Mill operation is for, and provide links to the topics which describe each page of the Chamfer Mill operation found in the Mill 2 Axis Wizard.

The Chamfer Mill

The purpose of the Chamfer Mill operation, in most applications, is to create an angle where a sharp 90° edge exists. This could be done to deburr a sharp edge or to create a larger, more well defined, angle. Exactly how this operation is performed is dictated by the settings in the subsequent pages of the operation. Each of the pages allows you to define the  variables in order to tailor the machining process to fit your needs. Use the following links to see the tool page for all tools, including this one, and to jump to the specific topics for each available operation page:   


Tool Page

Chamfer Mill Patterns

Chamfer Mill Parameters

Chamfer Mill Leads

Chamfer Mill Corner Types

Advanced Feedrates