The Work Offset Pattern Dialog
This topic will explain the Work Offset Pattern dialog, and all the item found in it. This topic will also provide links to related topics.
The Work Offset Pattern
The Work Offset Pattern allows you to post the operations of an existing machine setup into multiple work offsets. This dialog will allow you to set the adjust the posting order used in the output, as well as control the pattern and spacing used to illustrate the pattern in the graphics area and simulation.
Important: The toolpath pattern shown as a result of this dialog does not reflect the output in the posted code, and is strictly for visualization purposes and simulation.
- In the CAM Tree, right-click on a
Machine Setup, and click Work Offset Pattern.
The Work Offset Pattern dialog appears.
The Work Offset Pattern Dialog
Pattern Type
Array - creates the pattern with a defined distance interval and number of copies along the X- and/or Y-axis direction.
Translate - creates a pattern with a defined number of copies using either the Delta or Sketch/Enter method.
Rotate - creates a pattern with a defined angle interval and number of copies rotated around a user-defined point or line (3D).
Point - creates a custom pattern, by allowing you to select a start point and various endpoints to place the copies in X, Y, and Z space.
From UCSs - creates a pattern based on the UCS you choose. The position of the Machine Setup, in relation to the WCS will dictate the position of the copies on the selected UCSs.
Work Offset Numbering
- Start
Number - designates the starting line number for events in
the NC program if the machine is configured to output them.
- Sequence # Increment - sets the number added to each subsequent line number for the next line.
Posting Parameters
- Post Patterns
- Posts out the selected pattern.
- Does not post the selected pattern.
Machining Order
By Tool - will use the tool on every work offset before moving to the next tool.
By Work Offset - will complete all toolpath on one work offset before moving to the next work offset.
Tip: To find out more about how this affects the output, see the following tables:
► Machining Setups: 1 / Work Offsets: 2 / Features: 2 / Operations: 4
► Machining Setups: 1 / Work Offsets: 3 / Features: 4 / Operations: 10
► Machining Setups: 2 / Work Offsets: 5 / Features: 8 / Operations: 20
Toolpath Display
- Blank Patterned Toolpath
- With this check box selected, the toolpath for the pattern will not be shown.
- With this check box cleared, the toolpath for the pattern will be shown.
Simulation parameters
- Pattern Stock
- With this check box selected, the stock will be patterned, along with the toolpath, for simulation.
- With this check box cleared, the stock will not be patterned.
- Pattern Fixture
- With this check box selected, the fixture will be patterned, along with the toolpath, for simulation.
- With this check box cleared, the fixture will not be patterned.
- Pattern Workpiece
- With this check box selected, the workpiece will be patterned, along with the toolpath, for simulation.
- With this check box cleared, the workpiece will not be patterned.
Note: The following section will vary based on the Pattern Type selected. In order to make things clear each of the associated options will be shown below the selected Pattern Type.
Array Parameters
X Direction
- Distance - the distance displayed between each offset along the X Axis.
- Copies - sets the number of additional Work Offsets, and toolpath copies to display.
Y Direction
- Distance - the distance displayed between each offset along the Y Axis.
- Copies - sets the number of additional Work Offsets, and toolpath copies to display.
Translate Parameters
- Copies - sets the number of additional Work Offsets, and toolpath copies to display.
Translate Amount
- X
- is the distance from the current X Axis location.
- Y - is the distance from the current Y Axis location.
- Z - is the distance from the current Z Axis location.
Rotation Parameters
- Angle - sets the angle rotation of the toolpath copies to display.
- Copies - sets the number of additional Work Offsets, and toolpath copies to display.
Rotation Axis
- Pick Axis - will hide the Work Offset Pattern dialog and open the Work Offset Pattern Rotation Axis dialog. This will allow you to pick the axis, defined by selecting a line, or surface edge, by which the work offset will be rotated around.
Sets the start point for the line defining the rotation axis.
- X
- is the distance from the current X Axis location.
- Y - is the distance from the current Y Axis location.
- Z - is the distance from the current Z Axis location.
Sets the end point for the line defining the rotation axis.
- X
- is the distance from the current X Axis location.
- Y - is the distance from the current Y Axis location.
- Z - is the distance from the current Z Axis location.
Note: The Pattern Add Method, and the Generate Copies button are available regardless of the Pattern Type used.
Points Parameters
(Pick Points) - closes the Work Offset Dialog and opens the Work Offset Pattern Points dialog. This allows you to select the points at which the copies are to be placed. Select the points and click OK to have those points added to the Point List.
(Add Point) - creates a new point in the Point List.
(Move Up) - moves the currently selected item up the Point list.
(Move Down) - moves the currently selected item down the Point list.
(Delete Point) - removes the currently selected item from the Point list.
(Delete All) - removes all items from the Point list.
Point List
This group lists all of the points to be used for the pattern copies. You can manually add to this list and edit the values, or use the Pick Point method to have the items and their values added automatically.
- The item will not be affected unless the Delete All option is used.
- The item can be moved with the arrows or deleted with the Delete button.
- X
- is the distance from the current X Axis location.
- Y - is the distance from the current Y Axis location.
- Z - is the distance from the current Z Axis location.
From UCSs Parameters
From UCSs
Available UCSs
This group lists all of the UCSs which can be used for the pattern copies. The only way to add to this list is by creating additional
- The item will not be added to the Pattern List.
- The item will be added to the Pattern List
Pattern Add Method
Replace - will clear the existing pattern from the list and create a new one with the currently specified parameters when the Generate Copies button is used.
Append - does not affect the current list, but adds to the list with the pattern specified by the current parameters when the Generate Copies button is used.
Important: When using the Append method, be sure to check your work offset numbers. To alter the Work Offset numbers, use the Work Offset Numbering group before generating copies, or the Work Offset Number in the Parameters section.
- Generate Copies - creates the specified pattern in the list.
Generated Patterns
This section will allow you to change the order of the created patterns, delete the created patterns, or highlight one, to edit using the Parameters group.
- moves the currently selected item up the list.
- moves the currently selected item down the list.
- removes the currently selected item from the list.
- removes all items from the list.
- The item will not be affected unless the Delete All option is used.
- The item can be moved with the arrows or deleted with the Delete button.
Note: Multiple items can be selected at the same time, and moved with the arrows, or deleted with the Delete button. You can also right-click item(s) to move, or delete them.
- # - lists the work offset number the item has been assigned.
- Creation Method - lists what Pattern Type was used to create the item.
Work Offset Number
- Lists the work offset number of the selected item.
Position and Orientation
This section defines the vector of the selected copy, i.e., how the copy has been moved, and how it has been tilted. These values can be updated manually.
Origin (X; Y; Z Value) - defines how far the copy is moved in X, Y, and Z.
X Direction (X; Y; Z Value) - defines the vector direction of the X axis.
Y Direction (X; Y; Z Value) - defines the vector direction of the Y axis.
Z Direction (X; Y; Z Value) - defines the vector direction of the Y axis.
- OK - confirms the current settings and exits the Work Offset Pattern dialog.
- Cancel - exits the dialog without saving any of the altered settings.
- In the Pattern Type group, choose an option to define the type of pattern to use.
For this example we will assume an Array. - In the Work Offset Numbering group, define the:
- Start: Which work offset number to begin the pattern with.
If your program only contains Work Offset 1, which is normally G54, set the Start to 2 to begin with G55. - Increment: How much should each subsequent offset number increase by?
- Start: Which work offset number to begin the pattern with.
- In the Posting Parameters section, ensure the Post Patterns check box is selected. If it is not, the patterns will not post.
- In the Machining Order group, select By Tool, or By Work Offset.
For more information on the Machining Order, see The Machining Order Dialog topic. - In the Toolpath Display section, ensure the Blank Patterned Toolpath check box is selected. If it is not, the pattern will not be visible in the graphics area.
- In the Simulation Parameters section, select a check box for each item you would like to see patterned in the simulation.
- In the Array Parameters section, adjust the options as needed.
- In the Pattern Add Method group, select whether the patterns will Replace, or Append to the existing list in the Generated Patterns section when the Generate Copies button is selected.
- Click Generate Copies.
The patterns are added to the Generated Patterns section. - Use the buttons at the top of the Generated Patterns section to adjust the list as necessary.
Note: Only the items with a selected check box can be moved or deleted. You can also have multiple items selected at the same time.
- Select an item in the Generated Patterns section to adjust its parameters in the Parameters section. Adjust its Work Offset Number, or its Position and Orientation as needed.
- Repeat these steps as needed.