Arc 3 Entities


This topic will explain the Arc 3 Entities function, will explain whereto find the function, and explain the options found in it.This topicwill also explain creation with quick steps and examples, and provide links to relatedtopics.

The Arc 3 Entities Function

The Arc 3 Entities function is used to create arcs by selecting 3 entitiesin the graphics area which will create an arc tangent to each.This canbe accomplished by picking three entities in the graphics area.

To open Arc 3 Entities:

  • In the Entity group, of the Create 2D ribbon, click the down arrow under Arc, and select Arc 3 Entities.

The parameters display in the Data Entry Manager.

The Data Entry Parameters

Creation Option

Entity Selection

Selected Geometry


(Delete) - removes the highlighted item from the Selected Geometry list.

(Delete All) - removes all entities from the Selected Geometry list.

The list will display all entities currently selected for the function.

  • OK - finalizes the function.

  • Cancel - exits the function.

Quick Steps - Arc 3 Entities

  1. Openthe function and click the first wireframe entity to set the firstof three entities to be used in the creation of the arc.

  2. Move the mouse pointerand click the second wireframe entity.

  3. Move the mouse pointer and click the thirdwireframe entity.

    Thepreview appears.

  4. To finish the active entity, click OK.

  5. Repeat this process to create arcs as needed.

  6. To close the function, click Cancel.



  1. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click New.

  2. In the Entity groupof the Create 2D ribbon, click Point.

  3. Place three points anywhere in the graphics area.

  4. In the Entity group, of the Create 2D ribbon, click the down arrow under Arc, and select Arc 3 Entities.

  5. Left click on one of the threepoints created previously.

  6. Left click on another of the threepoints created previously.

  7. Left click on the last of the threepoints created previously.

    With 3 entities selected, the preview is displayed.

    The order of the entities also helps determine the result, but the order can also be adjusted in the Selected Geometry list.

  8. Click the first entity listed in the Selected Geometry list.

    The entity highlights in the graphics area.

  9. Use the arrows next to Selected Geometry list to adjust its position in the list.

  10. Click OK when the desired result is shown in the preview.

    The arc is created.

  11. Click Cancel to exit the function.


  1. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click New.

  2. In the Shapes group, of the Create 2D ribbon,click Rectangle.

    The preview shows the rectangle that would be created with default settings.

  3. Leave the default settings for the Rectangle, and click OK.

    The finalized rectangle is created, and the preview remains showing what the current settings would create.

  4. In the Entity group, of the Create 2D ribbon, click the down arrow under Arc, and select Arc 3 Entities.

    The rectangle preview disappears.

  5. Select 3 sides of the rectangle, either by clicking on them individually, or using a window pick.

    The preview appears.

    The order of the selected entities can be adjusted in the Selected Geometry list as seen in the last example if necessary.

  6. Click OK to create the arc.

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