Point From Entities


This topic will explain the From Entities function, and the optionsfound in it.This topic will also describe where to find the function,provide quick steps on how to use it, and provide links to related topics.

The Point From Entities Function

The Point From Entities function is used to create points in the graphicsarea using the specified snap points or intersections of geometry selectedby the user.

Entity End Point
Entity Middle Point
Arc Center
Intersection on extension

To open From Entities:

  • In the Entity groupof the Create 2D ribbon, click the down arrow under Point, and select Point From Entities.

The parameters display in the Data Entry Manager.

Note: Whether you click the main icon, or the down arrow to get to the other options, you will have access to the same options in the Data Entry Manager.

The Data Entry Parameters

Selected Geometries

The Selected Geometries list, shows all entitieschosen for the creation of points.

Selected Geometry


(Delete) - removes the highlighted item from the Selected Geometry list.

(Delete All) - removes all entities from the Selected Geometry list.

The list will display all entities currently selected for the function.

Point from Option

The Point from Option group allows you to specify which aspect of theSelected Geometries to create points from.

  • Entity EndPoint - will create a point on each end of the geometries inthe Selected Geometries list.

  • Entity MiddlePoint - will create a point on the middle of the geometriesin the Selected Geometries list.

  • Arc Center- will create a point at the center of each arc in the Selected Geometrieslist.

  • Intersection- will create a point at each intersection of the geometries in theSelected Geometries list.

    • Intersectionon extension - will create a point at each possible intersectionof the geometries in the Selected Geometries list, if they wereto be extended enough tointersect.

To illustrate what each option does, see the table below to see an image next to the particular selection used to produce that result.

Entity EndPoint
Entity MiddlePoint
Arc Center
Intersection onextension

Entity EndPoint
Entity MiddlePoint
Arc Center
Intersection onextension

Entity EndPoint
Entity MiddlePoint
Arc Center
Intersection onextension

Entity EndPoint
Entity MiddlePoint
Arc Center
Intersection onextension

Entity EndPoint
Entity MiddlePoint
Arc Center
Intersection onextension

Entity EndPoint
Entity MiddlePoint
Arc Center
Intersectionon extension

Entity EndPoint
Entity MiddlePoint
Arc Center
Intersectionon extension

  • OK - Creates thepoints.
  • Cancel - Closes thefunction without creating previewed points.

Quick Steps - Point From Entities

  1. To perform the function, move your mouseinto the graphics area, and select geometry to create a points from.

    By default the Entity End Point, and Arc Center Point From Optionsare selected.

    The preview of the current result is displayed.

  2. Adjust the Point from Option selections toachieve the desired preview.

  3. Adjust the geometry in the Selected Geometrieslist by selected additional geometry from the graphics area, or deletingit from the Selected Geometries list.

  4. To create the points displayed in the preview,click OK.

  5. Continue this process to create the neededpoints.

  6. To close the function, click Cancel.

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