CAD Snap Increment


This topic will explain the Snap Increment function, will explain where to find the function, and explain the options found in it. This topic will also give a brief description of creation with quick steps, and provide links to related topics.

The Snap Increment Function

The snap increment in BobCAD-CAM allows you to perform accurate sketching and dynamic drawing to a specified distance or rotation increment. The snap increment value determines the available snap locations in reference the WCS. This allows for a greater accuracy in drawing and allows you to get exact values with less modifying of data entry parameters. The snap increment acts as a uniform grid of snap locations in the graphics area to which entities (snap points), sketch handles, and origins can be snapped.

Supported CAD Functions/Creation Options

Create 2D
Entities Shapes Pattern Text
Point Rectangle Center Hole Pattern Text
Line Rectangle 2 Points - Center    
Line Continuous Rectangle 2 Points - Corners    
Line Parallel Rectangle 3 Points - Corners    
Arc Center Rectangle 3 Points - Center/Corners    

Arc 2 Points - Center

Shape Library



Arc 2 Points - Diameter




Arc 3 Points - Center/Endpoints




Arc 3 Points - Endpoints/Radius




Spline Approximated Roller CAM    
Spline Interpolated      
Spline Fit      
Spline Blended      


The snap increment applies to the following aspects wireframe functions:

  • Origin location
  • Creation points
  • Line parallel distance when using Side Only, and Free Drag options
  • Spline control points


Create 3D
Primitives Extrude Surfaces Modify
Cube Extrude Boss Rectangle Center Extend
Cylinder Extrude Cut Rectangle 2 Points - Center  
Sphere Extrude Curve Rectangle 2 Points - Corners  
Cone Extrude Surface Rectangle 3 Points - Corners  
Torus Imprint Rectangle 3 Points - Center/Corners  



Arc Center




Arc 2 Points - Center



Arc 2 Points - Diameter



Arc 3 Points - Center/Endpoints


    Arc 3 Points - Endpoints/Radius  


Solid and Surface Functions

The snap increment applies to the following aspects of surface and solid functions:

  • Origin location
  • Sketch handles
  • Creation points for planes


Move Adjust
Translate Stretch
Rotate Drag Corner


The snap increment applies to the following aspects of Utilities functions:

  • For the Rotate functions: the Distance value applies to the rotation origin and the Angle value applies to the rotation sketch handles
  • For Rotate 3D the Distance value applies to both the start and end points of the 3D rotation line
  • Note that you must select geometry and confirm the selection before the sketch handles display
  • For Translate: the origin and linear translation handles when using the Drag mode


Note: It is helpful to understand that when using the snap increment, the snap points of other entities holds priority over the snap increment. For example, if you click the snap point of an entity that does not lie on the snap increment, the snap point is used instead of the snap increment.

There are only two snap increment values utilized for the entire system: Distance and Angle. The following information explains all locations in which snap increment values are stored and can be modified.

Default Snap Increment

The default snap increment values for all files are set in The Settings dialog box (accessed in the backstage). These values are automatically copied to the Settings Part values when you create a new file.

Snap Increment in Current File

There are two locations in which the snap increment values for the current file are modified:


  1. The Settings dialog box (accessed through the backstage) contains the snap increment values for Distance and Angle.

    This location is used to change the snap increment values from the default values set in Settings Default. You can also change the snap increment Angle value here for the current file.

  2. The Snap Increment box in the Status Bar.


This location is used to update the snap increment Distance value while you are drawing. You can click the Snap Increment button to turn on and off the snap increment for drawing. You can type a new value in the box and press Enter to update the current snap increment Distance value.


Tip: You can use the shortcut key, Q, to turn on and off the snap increment for drawing. You can tell if the snap increment is on when the distance value can be edited, and when the distance is unavailable (grayed out), the snap increment is not active.

Quick Steps - Snap Increment

An important note about the snap increment is that you can turn it on and off while sketching, in the event that you want to sketch freely or to non-exact values.


  1. The snap increment is active by default. To turn the snap increment off, use one of the following methods:

    1. Click the Snap Increment button in the status bar.

    2. Press the shortcut key Q.

  2. The snap increment distance value becomes unavailable when the snap increment is not active (turned off).

  3. To activate the snap increment again, either press the Q key or click the Snap Increment button again.

  4. To update the value being used, ensure the snap increment is turned on, and:

    1. Highlight the snap increment value being used.

    2. Update the value.

    3. Press Enter to set the value.

Related Topics

The CAD Overview

The Status Bar