The Assigned Tools Dialog Box (Mill or Lathe)


This topic explains the Assigned Tools dialog, describes where to access it, explains the options found in it, and provides links to related topics.

The Assigned Tools dialog

The Assigned Tools dialog box allows you to verify or change the tool number assignments for the posted program before the NC code is post processed. The Tool List shows all tools that are currently in use for all features in the CAM tree. As you create features, the selected tools are automatically added to the Tool List.


To access the Assigned Tools dialog box, do one of the following:


  • In the Job Setting group, of the Machining ribbon, click the down arrow under Tools, and select Verify Tool Assignment.


  • In the CAM Tree, right-click the Tools icon (for example, Milling Tools), and click Verify Tool Assignment.


  • From any CAM Wizard Tool page, click Tool Number.


The Assigned Tool dialog box displays.

The Assigned Tools Parameters

Tool List

  • Tool Number - displays the assigned tool number that is output for each tool in the posted NC program. The numbering is controlled by the Use Automatic Tool Numbering check box.

  • Tool Diameter - displays the diameter of each tool.

  • Corner Radius - displays the corner radius value of each tool.

  • Tool Type - displays the type of each tool.

  • Tool Label - displays the tool label for each tool.

  • Use automatic tool numbering - The default setting for this option can be controlled in the Settings Dialog.

    - Select this check box to allow the system to number the tools in the order they are added to the Tool Crib. This option ignores the tool numbers assigned in the Tool Library.

    • Renumbering By Usage - Click this option to update tool numbers by the order they are used in the operations.

    • Renumbering By Tool Crib - Click this option to update the tool numbers by the order in which they were added to the tool crib.


- Click to clear this check box to use the number assigned to the tool in Tool Library by default. To update the tool number used in the job:

  • Click the desired row twice (two slow clicks) - The tool number box becomes available for you to enter a new number.

  • Double-click the desired row (two quick clicks) - The Edit Tool Parameters dialog appears. This allows you to edit the Tool Number, or any other values associated with the tool.


Important: Renumbering tools from this location does not change the tool number stored in the Tool Library.


Warning: The software can't eliminate duplicate tool numbers when renumbering tools manually, it is your responsibility. You must confirm that all tools are using the desired tool number before posting the final NC program.


To renumber tools after post processing, revisit this dialog box and make the required changes. Afterward, right-click the job folder (Turning Job or Milling Job), and click Post. The NC program is updated with the new tool numbers.

Related Topics

The CAM Overview

CAM Jobs in the CAM Tree

Tool Page