Wire EDM 4 Axis Skim Cut Parameters


This topic explains the Parameters page of the 4 Axis Skim Cut operation found in the Wire 2 Axis Wizard.



  • Standard Profile - creates the operation with one or more passes along the feature geometry.



  • Flip Pass Direction

Select the check box to flip the cutting direction for the operation.

Clear the check box to use the standard direction for the operation.


  • Reverse Skims - forces each pass of the Skim Cut operation to alternate the cutting direction.
  • Skims in the Same Direction - forces all Skim Cut passes to cut in the same direction.
    • Number of Skim Passes - determines the number of skim cut passes for the operation.





The compensation commands determine whether or not the wirepath output is offset from the selected geometry in order to properly cut the feature. The software can output the wirepath offset to the left, right, or center line (compensation off). When System Compensation is turned off, the software outputs the wirepath on center line with the offset being handled by the output of the proper Machine Compensation codes.


System Compensation

  • On - forces the software to automatically output the wirepath with the proper compensation (left or right) based on the feature type and cut direction. This setting is available for all Inside or Outside feature operations.


Note: When creating a 2 Axis Open or 4 Axis Open Wire EDM feature, the System Compensation options change from On and Off to Left, Right, and Off as described next.


  • Left - forces the software to offset the wirepath to the left of the feature geometry based on the chain direction defined for Open feature operations.

  • Right - forces the software to offset the wirepath to the right of the feature geometry based on the chain direction defined for Open feature operations.

  • Off - turns System Compensation off for the operation. The software outputs the wirepath on center line and Machine Compensation should be used.


Machine Compensation

  • On - forces the software to automatically output the proper Machine Compensation (G41 or G42) based on the feature type and cut direction. This setting is available for all Inside and Outside feature operations.


Note: When creating a 2 Axis Open or 4 Axis Open Wire EDM feature, the Machine Compensation options change from On or Off to Comp Left/G41, Comp Right/G42, or Off as described next.


  • Comp Left/G41 - forces the software to offset the wirepath to the left of the feature geometry based on the chain direction defined for Open feature operations.

  • Comp Right/G42 - forces the software to offset the wirepath to the right of the feature geometry based on the chain direction defined for Open feature operations.

  • Off - turns off the output of Machine Compensation codes. The wirepath is output on center line unless System Compensation is used.



Stop Settings

  • Apply Stop Points

Select the check box to apply the selected Stop Point geometry to the operation. This outputs a stop code in the program when the wire reaches the assigned Stop Point location on the profile.

Clear the check box to not apply the selected stop point geometry to the operation.


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