User Profile


This topic will explain the options found in the User Profile page of the Backstage.

Profile Layouts

Since the Docking Panes can be modified to a users preference, as was detailed in the Introduction to Docking Panes topic, the Profile Layouts page gives you the means to save multiple layout styles, and to load them as needed.


  • New Layout - creates another layout in the Profile Layouts list modeled after the current arrangements of docking panes.

  • Save Layout - When you have a layout to be saved, select a layout from the list, or create one at this point, and then highlight it. With the layout highlighted that you would like to update with the current layout, click Save Layout. This launches a dialog to inform you "This will overwrite the selected layout to the current software layout. Do you wish to continue?"

    • Yes - the layout highlighted in the Profile Layout list will be overwritten with the layout currently being used in BobCAD-CAM.

    • No - the layout highlighted in the Profile Layout list will not be overwritten.

  • Delete Layout - When you have a layout you would like to delete, highlight it in the Profile Layouts list, and select Delete Layout. This launches a dialog to ask you "Do you want to delete selected layout?"

    • Yes - the layout highlighted in the Profile Layout list will be deleted from the list.

    • No - the layout highlighted in the Profile Layout list will not be deleted.

  • Rename Layout - The highlighted Profile Layout will be given the ability to have its name edited. Click in the name text field and alter the name, then click enter to set the name change.

  • Reload Default Layout - This reverts the layout to the state it was in when the software was last opened, and exits the Backstage.

  • Apply Layout - The layout highlighted in the Profile Layout list will be employed and the Backstage will be exited.

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