How to Create Multiple Machine Setups


The Machine Setup in the CAM Tree is used to define each setup (or position)of the part on the machine (work offset).To define multiple machine setups,in this example, you first create stock for the part and define the firstMachine Setup.After these steps, the remaining Machine Setup is addedto the CAM Tree.This tutorial is designed to guide you through the setupprocess.


Part 1) Create Stock for the Part

The part used in this example is shown first.Once the part is orientedin the workspace, the stock can be created.Be aware that you do not needto orient the part in any special way.The stock and the machining originare aligned to the part.


  1. To open the StockWizard, in the CAM Tree, right-click Stock,and click Stock Wizard.

    The Stock displays in the Manager.

  2. Under Stock Type, clickRectangle.

    Notice that the stock is automatically detected by the default option, and the stock coordinate system is placed atthe top and center of the stock.


  3. The stock is now defined,click nextto go to the Machine Setup dialogbox.

Part 2) Defining the Machine Setup

The next step is to define the initial Machine Setup.This includesthe Work Offset and the Clearance Plane value that are used to set thedefault for all features that are added to this Machine Setup in the CAM Tree.

  1. When the MachineSetup dialog box is opened, the stock is outlined with boundingentities that are automatically created for you to select the machiningorigin on the part.

    (You are not required to use these entities, you can use any geometryin the graphics area.)


  2. To change the machining origin to a different location,in the Setup Orientation group, and click in the Origin list box to give it focus.

    This enables selection mode for you to select geometry to set the origin.

    Click the point at the top and center of the stock.The machining originis now defined.


Tip: The boundingentities that are created in the MachineSetup dialog box are for your convenience in setting the machiningorigin.You are not limited tousing these entities when setting the machining origin.To alter the alignment of a particular axis, click in its list box to give it focus, and then select an entity in the graphics area.Selecting a line will set the axis parallel to it.Selecting a point will direct the axis along the line formed between its zero and the selected point.

  1. The next step is to define the Work Offsetand Clearance Plane value.For this setup, the default WorkOffset # 1 and theClearance Plane of 0.100is used.

    The values defined here are automatically set for CAM features thatare added to this Machine Setup.

  2. To finish defining the MachineSetup, click OK.

Part 3) Create the Second Machine Setup

At this point, you are now ready to create milling features for thefirst orientation of the part.For the purposes of this tutorial, youare going to define the second setup before creating milling features.So, in this part of the tutorial, you create a second Machine Setup inthe CAM Tree, and then edit the Machine Setup to define the second orientationof the part on the machine.

  1. To create the next setup, in the CAMTree, right-click Machine Setup, point to Additional Functions, and clickInsert Setup.

Alternatively, you can right-click the Job folder (Mill Job or Mill TurnJob) and click Add Setup.

A new Machine Setup is added to the CAMTree.

Tip: You canright-click Machine Setup andclick Rename to type a new namefor the setup.

  1. To edit the new Machine Setup,right-click Machine Setup - 2, and click Edit.

The Machine Setup dialog box displays in the Data Entry Manager.

The bounding entities display in the graphics areato aid in the machining origin selection.

Note: Youcan edit any of the Machine Setups in this location, by selecting theMachine Setup from the list at the top of the Machine Setup dialog box.

  1. In order to set the origin, the part must be rotated.To rotatethe part, move your mouse into the graphics area and click and hold the scroll wheel on your mouse.

    The rotation icon appears.

    Move your mouse so the part is turned upside down.

    When you can see the bottom of the part, release the mouse button.

  2. In the Setup Orientation group, and click in the Origin list box to give it focus.

    This enables selection mode for you to select geometry to set the origin.

    Select a point or vertex to set the origin.


  3. Notice that the Z-axis direction is not correct.To change theZ-axis direction, under Origin,next to Y Direction, clickthe SWReverseDirIcon.jpg (reverse direction)button.

    The direction of the Z-axis for the setup is now correct.


  4. For this example, we use the default WorkOffset and Clearance Planevalues, so the machining origin is now defined.

To finish the Machine Setup, click OK.

A Final Note on Adding Milling Features

Now that a Machine Setup is defined for each side of the part, you areready to add milling features.When adding features to the CAM Tree, besure to right-click the appropriate Machine Setup.

It is important to understand that the parameters in the Machine Setupdialog box must be set before adding CAM features, in order to have theappropriate values automatically set in the feature wizard.

Tip: Themethod shown in this example was used in order to provide certain keypoints.There is one change that can be made to the process that may savetime.You can first add multiple machine setups to the CAM Tree beforerunning the Stock Wizard.This way when you reach the Machine Setup, youcan simply define the parameters for each Machine Setup at the same time.The parameters are applied to the Machine Setup that is selected at thetop of the dialog box.

This concludes the example.

Related Topics

Defining the Machine Setup

TheStock Wizard and Machine Setup Tutorials

Work Offsets for Multiple Vises

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