Create Stock from Wireframe Entities


In this example you learn how to create stock whose shape is determined by sketch entities. This example will also provide links to related topics.

Creating the Stock

Part 1) Select the Stock Type

  1. By default the Stock Type is set to Rectangular.

    In order to extrude a wireframe shape to create stock, under Stock Type, select Wireframe.

    The stock origin updates to show the default location of the top of stock which is set by the WCS.

Part 2) Set the Stock Size and Orientation

The rotary center of the part is aligned to the X-axis. The right side of the part will be the Top of Part for our stock. When setting up stock from a wireframe entity, the Top of Stock is set as the distance from the WCS (at X0Y0Z0) along the selected Extrusion Direction. The Extrusion Direction must be set in the proper direction.


  1. Select the curve, or the solid edge.

    The item highlights but the stock is not updated.

  2. In the Stock Orientation group, click the Extrusion Direction arrow, and select X-axis.

    The stock updates. Notice in the images above and below the stock is positioned the with its top at WCS zero. This will be true regardless of the location of the selected geometry.

  3. In the Top of Stock group, click in the list box to select the location of the top of stock in the graphics area. You can also enter the location of the top of stock in reference to the WCS manually. With focus on the list box, select the top edge.

    The stock location updates.

  4. In the Height box, enter the necessary height of the stock.

  5. The Stock Specification Definition is now complete. Click (next) to go to the Machine Setup page.

    A bounding box is created around the stock to allow you place the Machine Setup location.


That concludes this example.

Next Topics

Defining the Machine Setup

The Stock Wizard Tutorials