Mirror (Utilities)
This topic will explain the Mirror function, describe where to find it, and the options found in it. This topic will also provide quick steps on how to use it, and provide links to related topics.
The Mirror Function
The Mirror function creates an inverted version of selected geometry. This can be any type of geometry. When using the Line method, you must have a line entity to select as the mirror axis.
To open Mirror:
- In the Move group, of the Utilities ribbon, click
The Data Entry Parameters
Selected Geometry
The list will display all entities currently selected for the function. |
Mirror About
With the Mirror About options, you choose between mirroring about a plane, or a line.
Plane - allows you to select from a UCS or a planar surface to use as a mirror.
Line - allows you to select a line to use as a mirror.
When the Plane option is selected, the Parameters are as follows:
Y-Z Plane - uses the Y-Z Plane as the mirror.
X-Z Plane - uses the X-Z Plane as the mirror.
X-Y Plane - uses the X-Y Plane as the mirror.
Pick - allows for the selection of a planar face to use as the mirror. With this option selected the Planar Face list box will become available.
Planar Face
This list box will show the entity currently selected for the function. |
When the Line option is selected, the Parameters are as follows:
Pick Line - forces the line to be defined by two points. These points can be defined by values, or selection.
Pick Line - allows the line to be defined by selection.
The rest of the Parameters for the Line option vary depending on the method of defining the line.
When Pick Line is left cleared, the Parameters are as follows:
This list box will show the entity currently selected for the function. |
X - sets the X value for the start point of the line.
Y - sets the Y value for the start point of the line.
Z - sets the Z value for the start point of the line.
This list box will show the entity currently selected for the function. |
X - sets the X value for the end point of the line.
Y - sets the Y value for the end point of the line.
Z - sets the Z value for the end point of the line.
When Pick Line is selected, the Parameters are as follows:
This list box will show the entity currently selected for the function. |
X - sets the X value for the start point of the line.
Y - sets the Y value for the start point of the line.
Z - sets the Z value for the start point of the line.
X - sets the X value for the end point of the line.
Y - sets the Y value for the end point of the line.
Z - sets the Z value for the end point of the line.
- Copy - this toggle allows for the mirror function to produce a copy while leaving the original. Without this toggle active, the original will be replaced with mirrored geometry.
- OK - finalizes the function.
- Cancel - exits the function.
Quick Steps - Mirror
- Open the function.
The Selected Geometry list automatically has focus. - Select all geometry to be mirrored.
The geometry is added to the Selected Geometry list.
A preview appears showing a mirror with default settings. - Update the parameters to achieve the desired result, which will be shown by the preview.
The Preview updates as the values are updated. - With the values update to produce the intended result, as shown with the preview, click OK.
Note: When solids, or surfaces, are translated a CAD feature is added to the CAD Tree.
- Repeat as necessary.
Tip: Instead of applying features to solids and surfaces more than once, go to the CAD Tree to edit the existing feature. Since all solid and surface moves, and modifications are stored in the CAD Tree, editing a feature is preferable to adding many more to achieve the desired result. This will keep file size down and help ensure files don't become slow to respond.
- Click Cancel to close the function.