The CAMS Creation-From Displacement Diagram Dialog Box


This topic will explain the options found in the CAMS Creation-From Displacement Diagram.

The CAM Creation-From Displacement

The CAMS Creation-From Displacement is used to define the parameters for creating a roller cam drawing.

The Dialog Box Parameters

CAMS Parameters


CAM Type

    • Radial Translating Roller Follower - the follower remains perpendicular to the axis of cam rotation.

    • Offset Translating Roller Follower - the follower remains off of the axis of cam rotation using the Offset Distance value.

      • Offset Distance - sets the offset value for the Offset Translating Roller Follower option.


    • Roller Radius - sets the radius of the follower for the cam.

    • Base Radius - sets the base circle radius from which all rise and return segments are measured.

    • Shaft Radius - sets the radius of the shaft at the rotational center of the cam.


CAM Rotation Direction


    • Counter-Clockwise - calculates the cam motion in the direction of positive degrees.

    • Clockwise - calculates the cam motion in the direction of negative degrees.



Center Location


    • X - sets the X-axis value of the center of the shaft radius.

    • Y - The Y-axis value of the center of the shaft radius.

    • Z - The Z-axis value of the center of the shaft radius.




List of Segments

This list displays all of the individual rises, returns, and dwells that are defined. Each of these segments is displayed in the cam diagram at the top of the dialog box.

    • Add Rise Segment - adds a rise to the diagram where the follower goes away from the center of the cam.

    • Add Dwell Segment - adds a dwell (portion during which the follower neither rises nor returns) to the cam.

    • Add Return Segment - adds a return to the diagram where the follower goes toward the center of the cam.

    • Modify Segment - change or alter the segment selected in the  of Segments.

    • Delete Segment - removes the selected segment from the List of Segments.

    • Move Up - moves the selected segment up in the List of Segments.

    • Move Down button - moves the selected segment down in the List of Segments.


Data Display

All of the following items display information based on the segments you have defined and/or selected in the List of Segments.

    • Total Degrees of One Cycle - the length in degrees of one cycle of the cam.

    • Total Segment Degrees - the total number of degrees of one cycle of the cam.

    • Total Rise Height - the total rise height of the cam.

    • Total Return Height - the total return height (drop) of the cam.

    • Current Segment Curve Type - the curve type of the selected segment.

    • Current Segment Rise/Return/Dwell Interval - the length in degrees of the selected segment.

    • Current Segment Rise/Return Height - the height of rise of drop in the selected segment.

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