The Stock Material Feeds and Speeds Dialog


This topic will explain the Stock Material Feeds and Speeds Dialog, describe how to access it, the options found in it, and will provide links to related topics.

Stock Material Feeds and Speeds Dialog

The Stock Material Feeds and Speeds dialog box is used to modify the spindle speeds and feed rates for the Stock Material Library materials. Each Stock Material has one or more Tool Materials. The General Feeds and Speeds are set separately for each Tool Material. This means that each Stock Material can have one set of feeds and speeds for carbide tools, another for high speed steel, and yet another for insert tools. You can also set separate feeds and speeds for each Tool Type based on its Operation. You are not limited to the default tool materials, you can add more types as needed.


To access the Stock Material Speeds and Feeds dialog:


  • In the Stock Material Library dialog box, click Add Material or Modify Material.


  • Stock Material Name - displays the material name. To rename a material, type the new name here.


Tool Materials - lists the available tool material types for the selected stock material.

    • Add New Tool Material - opens the Add New Tool Material dialog box. Type the name of the new material, and click OK to add the material to the Tool Materials list.
    • Delete Tool Material - removes the selected item from the Tool Materials list. A dialog box appears to confirm. Click Yes to delete the material, or click No to cancel deleting the material.
    • Rename Tool Material - allows you to edit the selected name. Type the new name, and press Enter to finish. Renaming can also be accomplished by slowly clicking the Tool Material twice.


General Feeds and Speeds - sets the general speeds and feeds for the selected Tool Material.

    • SFM - is the surface feet per minute for general milling. (When using metric units this is SMM or surface meters per minute.)
    • SFM-Tapping - is the surface feet per minute for tapping cycles. (When using metric units this is SMM or surface meters per minute.)
    • Chip Load Per Flute - is the chip load percentage per tool flute.
    • Plunge Chip Load - is the chip load percentage as specified for plunging.


Customized Feeds and Speeds Based on Tool Type and Operation


Select this check box to customize the feeds and speeds for each tool type based on its operation. When selected, the SFM, Chip Load Per Flute, and Plunge Chip Load boxes become available for editing. You can now specify these values separately for each tool such as an End Mill Rough used to Rough Cut.


Clear this check box to use the system generated feeds and speeds. If the check box is cleared after creating custom feeds/speeds, all custom values are deleted.

Related Topics

The Stock Material Library

The CAM Overview