

This topic explains the options found in the Patterns page of the Facing operation in the Mill 2 Axis Wizard, and will provide links to related topics.

The Patterns page


  • Zig Zag - defines a two-way or alternating cutting pattern.



  •  Zig - defines a one-way cutting pattern with retracts between each path.



  •  Adaptive - defines a high-speed machining operation with automatic tool engagement settings.  In addition, the Link Clearance is added to the Finish group in the Parameters page of the wizard.


  • Off Workpiece - allows the toolpath to continue past the bounds of the part and enables the Distance box.

    • Distance - type a value to set how far the tool travels off of the stock. This is the distance from the edge of the tool to the edge of the stock/part.



  • On Workpiece - keeps the toolpath contained within the bounds of the part and enables the Distance (% of Tool Diameter) box.

    • Distance (% of Tool Diameter) - type a value, that is a percentage of the tool diameter, used with the On Workpiece setting.



Cut Directions

Select the cutting direction for the operation as X Direction, Y Direction, or Custom. This section is not available when the Adaptive Pattern is selected.

  •  X Direction - will align the passes parallel to the X axis of the Machine Setup.

  •  Y Direction - will align the passes parallel to the Y axis of the Machine Setup.

  • Custom - will align the passes according to a custom value entered.

    • Angle - defines the angle (from the X-axis) of the toolpath when using the Custom option.

  • Start Position - select a corner of the option box to define the starting position of the operation.



When the Custom Cut Direction is selected you can choose between the following:


  • Climb Mill - the tool travels in a counter clockwise direction along the inside shapes of the model and travels in a clockwise direction along the outside edges of the model.

  • Conventional Mill- the tool travels in a clockwise direction along the outside edges of the model.




  • Stepover (% of Tool Dia) - set the stepover value based on a percentage of the selected tool size.



  • First Cut Offset - sets an offset value used for the first cut of the feature.



MDI (Manual Data Input)

View the MDI topic.

Related Topics

Clicking Next> > takes you to the next page of the Mill 2 Axis Wizard. To move to the corresponding topic, click the appropriate link below.

The Profile Rough Parameters page

The Profile Finish Parameters page

The Pocket Parameters page

The Facing Parameters page

The Engrave Parameters page

The Chamfer Mill Parameters page

The Plunge Rough Parameters page

The Corner Rounding Parameters page