

This topic explains the Patterns page of the Advanced Planar operation found in the Mill 3 Axis Wizard.


Cut Pattern

  • Zig - creates the operation so each pass of the tool follows the same general direction (one way machining).


  • Zig Zag - creates the operation so each pass of the tool alternates direction from the previous pass.


  • Up - separates the model into high and low regions and performs all cuts from the bottom of the model upward.

  • Down - separates the model into high and low regions and performs all cuts from the top of the model downward.

    • Lace Angle - determines the direction of the toolpath passes in reference to the machining origin. The default value of 90 degrees generates passes that are parallel to the Y-axis, and a value of 0 degrees generates passes that are parallel to the X-axis of the machining origin.

    • Optimal Machining Angle - adjusts the angle for separate regions independently to optimize material removal and surface quality. This is achieved by aligning the parallel passes with the longest length of the relevant area.

    • Optimal Machining Angle Optimal Machining Angle

    • Overlap Distance - determines how much the opposing toolpath slices at the top of the model overlap when using the Up or Down Cut Pattern. This can help to reduce scallops at the top of the model.

    • Minimum Height Change - determines the minimum allowed change in height that will separate the model into up or down cuts when using the Up or Down Cut Pattern. This can be used to keep the toolpath from splitting across shallow portions of the model.

Start Corner

To set the starting location of the operation on the model select either Upper Left, Upper Right, Lower Left, or Lower Right.



Round Corners

The Round Corners option allows you to specify a maximum deviation value which allows a radius within that range to be substituted in place of sharp corners. To turn this option on, click the Round Corners check box. You can then type the maximum deviation possible for the round corners in the Maximum Deviation box. To turn this option off, clear the Round Corners check box.


Round Corners

Round Corners