Machine Setup


This topic explains the options found in the Machine Setup dialog, and provides links to related topics.

The Machine Setup dialog

The Machine Setup dialog is used to define the settings for all available Machine Setups in the CAM Tree. You select the Machine Setup item and then define the machining origin, clearance plane, work offset number, as well as a few other machine settings. The settings can also be adjusted at any time by right-clicking the Machine Setup in the CAM Tree and selecting Edit.

Machine Setup

  • Machine Setup - this list shows all of the available Machine Setups in the CAM tree. Select the Machine Setup that you want to edit. (Currently only Mill and Mill Turn support multiple machine setups.)


For Mill Turn jobs, the following option also displays under the Machine Setup list.


    • Left Spindle - select this option if this machine setup is for the left or primary spindle.

    • Right Spindle - select this option if this machine setup is for the right or secondary spindle.

Setup Default

Pick From Existing UCS


  • This list will allow you to select an existing UCS to assign as the Machine Setup Origin.



  • Reset to Stock Coordinate - sets the machining origin to the same location and orientation as the stock coordinate system from the Stock Definition page.

  • Keep Bounding Geometry - allows you to save the temporary bounding geometry on the active layer.


Geometry Stock and Bounding Geometry Bounding Geometry Kept

Setup Orientation

The machining origin defines the coordinate system used for all CAM features contained in the Machine Setup. When the Machine Setup dialog is open, the stock is automatically outlined with wireframe entities to aid you in selecting the machining origin location for the Machine Setup. This eliminates the need to create geometry just to set the machining origin, although you can do so, if needed.


Note: Arbitrary points in the graphics area cannot be selected as the origin of the machine setup. You must select actual geometry, input coordinates, or use a combination of both.


Coordinate System

Origin - is used to select geometry in the graphics area as the origin.



(Delete) - removes the highlighted item from the list.

This list box will show the entity currently selected for the function.


    • X - determines the position along the X-axis of the WCS.

    • Y - determines the position along the Y-axis of the WCS.

    • Z - determines the position along the Z-axis of the WCS.


X Direction - this allows you to select geometry that defines the direction for the X Axis. The last geometry selected will show in the list.


(Reverse) - Changes the direction of the Axis.

This list box will show the entity currently selected for the function.



Y Direction - this allows you to select geometry that defines the direction for the Y Axis. The last geometry selected will show in the list.


(Reverse) - Changes the direction of the Axis.

This list box will show the entity currently selected for the function.



Z Direction - this allows you to select geometry that defines the direction for the Z Axis. The last geometry selected will show in the list.


(Reverse) - Changes the direction of the Axis.

This list box will show the entity currently selected for the function.



Important: When geometry is selected to orient a particular axis, that geometry is saved in the list. If new geometry is selected for another axis that conflicts with the geometry assigned for another axis, the geometry selected last will take precedence.



Tip: In the Machine Setup, the Enter boxes always display the machining origin location in reference to the WCS.


Work Offset

Work Offset #

From the drop down list, select the work offset number to be used for this Machine Setup. All features that are created under the selected Machine Setup use this value as the default. The Work Offset # is also available in the Posting settings of the CAM Wizards.


Important: Once features have been created for this machine setup with the assigned work offset, updating this work offset will launch the Update Work Offset Number dialog. This dialog lists the Machine Setup and its work offset number along with all features under the machine setup and their work offset numbers. By default all features are selected to be updated. Clear the check box for any feature whose work offset number should remain unchanged and click OK. All selected features are then updated to the new work offset value of the machine setup.



Pick a Point


This list box will show the entity currently selected for origin of the machine setup. Once selected the X, Y, and Z values of the Work Offset XYZ group will be populated. These can then be updated to further refine the location of the machine setup.



Work Offset XYZ


The X, Y, and Z boxes are used to define the distance from the machine zero (the top and center of the table, not the tool home) to the selected Machine Setup coordinate system or origin. This is required for proper machine simulation. An example of this is shown in the next image.







This group becomes available when the Machine Setup is part of a Mill Turn Job.


  • Subspindle Z (Mill Turn jobs only) - sets the Z-axis value for the subspindle, or the distance from the machine zero to the face of the subspindle (on the virtual machine). The term subspindle refers to a spindle that has a linear travel axis, sometimes referred to as a W or B axis. The Subspindle Z value is generally only used for part transfers from the main spindle to the subspindle.

  • Spindle Park Position (Mill Turn jobs only) - sets the Z-axis value for the working position of the subspindle or where the subspindle sits while operations are being performed on it. The term subspindle refers to a spindle that has a linear travel axis, sometimes referred to as a W or B axis. This value is the distance from the machine zero to the face of the subspindle (for the virtual machine).




  • Clearance Plane (Mill Jobs) - sets the clearance plane value for all CAM features that are created under the selected Machine Setup. This is the safe rapid distance between operations as an incremental value from the top of stock. (The clearance plane does not display in the Machine Setup for Wire EDM Jobs.)


Tip: Changing the Clearance Plane value updates the value in all existing CAM features except for Multiaxis features. You can change the Clearance Plane for Multiaxis features in the Retracts dialog box of the Multiaxis Wizard.


  • Clearance (Mill Turn Jobs)

When creating a Mill Turn job, the clearance button opens the Clearance dialog box. View the Mill Turn Clearance topic.


After defining all Machine Setup parameters, click OK.

Selection Methods

When selecting geometry from the graphics area for an origin or axis direction:


  • For the Origin, you must select points or the vertex of multiple surface edges. surface edges. Although, you can click a line or arc and the closest snap point of the entity is used. To view the snap points (not required) while in selection mode, press and hold down Shift and click the entity. You can then click the point to use.

  • For the X, Y, or Z Direction, you must select points, lines, or surface edges. You can also use snap points to create custom directions. When you use a snap point to define a direction, the direction uses the current origin location and aligns the selected axis to the selected snap point.


When defining the machining origin in the Machine Setup:

  • Geometric entities are automatically created to assist you in selecting the machining origin. The stock is outlined by lines and points, and a center line with points is also drawn. When selecting geometry for the origin or a direction, you can click these entities.

Related Topics

The Stock Wizard and Machine Setup Tutorials

Next Topic

Click here to go to The Milling Job topic.

Click here to go to The Mill Turn Job topic.

Click here to go to The Wire EDM Job topic.