Mill Turn Tool Output Format


This topic explains the tool output format used for Mill Turn jobs in Bob CAD- CAM.

Tool Output

The Mill Turn posting engine has expanded options for tool formatting and a post question line that is found in each tool device definition in the post.


  • 20x30. Tool number format?

  • 20x31. Number of places for tool number?


Because this block is defined within the tool device block we can set this independent for each turret or spindle that exists in the machine. This provides the necessary flexibility to meet the needs of the different machine tool types.


The following table defines the output methods of all the supported formats for this post block question.


The parameters used for defining the data in the following example table: Tool Number = 1, Diameter Offset = 2, Length Offset = 3, ID Code = 6, Application Direction = 2.


Block 20x30


T Code Example


Additional Information



Outputs the Tool number formatted by the number of digits by post question 20x31.

Existing Option



Outputs the tool number * 101 and output using the number of digits defined by post question 20x31.

Existing Option

Haas (Fanuc Coordinate Format), Haas (Yasnac Coordinate Format) Mori Seiki NLX 2500Y



Outputs the (tool number * 100) + the offset value. For example, if the Tool Number is set to 1 and the diameter offset is set to 3, the output is T0103.

Existing Option

Haas (Fanuc Coordinate Format), Haas (Yasnac Coordinate Format) Mori Seiki NLX 2500Y



Outputs the diameter offset number only using the number of digits defined by post question 20x31.

Existing Option



Outputs the (diameter offset number * 100) + the tool number. (Opposite of setting 3). This is the 4 digit format for Okuma.

Okuma OSP U10L(4 digit)



Outputs the (Diameter Offset number * 10000) + (tool number * 100) + length offset number. The tool number is made up of 3 pairs of digits. Txxyyzz where xx = Length Offset Number, yy = Tool Number, zz = diameter offset number.

Okuma OSP U10L(6 digit)



Outputs the tool number and also triggers the output of the Tool Change Code string defined on post question: 654 thru the toolchange_code variable. The number of digits used for the tool number should be pulled from post question: 20x31. This format is used to support Automatic Tool Changers on B axis spindles.

Mazak(ATC Systems)



Outputs the tool number with a 2 place decimal value. The decimal value is the Suffix Code. This format is used by Mazak ATC systems. This mode also triggers the output of the toolchange_code variable. With this mode enabled the Mazak machines would need a 3 digit tool number format (set post question 20x31 to 3.

Mazak(ATC Systems)



Outputs the (tool number * 1000) + diameter offset number with a 2 place decimal value. The decimal values are a 2 digit Suffix Code value.

Mazak(6 digit turret systems)



Outputs the (tool number * 1000) + diameter offset number with a 4 place decimal value. The first 2 digits of the decimal are the Application Direction (see Mazak Integrex 640m

table for value reference). The last 2 digits are the Suffix Code.

Mazak(6 digit turret systems)



Outputs the (tool number * 100) + the diameter offset value with a 2 place decimal value. The decimal value is a 2 digit Suffix Code value.

Mazak(4 digit turret systems)



Outputs the (tool number * 100) + the diameter offset value with a 4 place decimal value. The first 2 digits of the decimal are the Application Direction (See table for value reference). The last 2 digits are the Suffix Code.

Mazak(4 digit turret systems)



Outputs the (tool number * 1000) + diameter offset number. The result is a 5 digit tool number.


Posting Variables

Several new posting variables were added to support the actual tool change output necessary for the various types of mill turn machines and how they handle tool numbering. The following section describes each new variable. (All variables are listed in the Post Variable and API Reference.)



The suffix_code is used for some machine makes as a Tool ID and is a unique identifier defined in the controller of the machine. This needs to match the number of the tool setup in the machine controller for proper operation. This value is taken from the tool crib where a suffix code can be created and assigned to each tool. You can manually set this value if needed.



Some machines require the orientation to be defined on the tool call. This is mainly used on B-axis machines where the milling spindle can orient the tool in different ways. The machine needs to know the orientation so it can properly compute its internal cycles. This variable is used to output the mapping defined on post questions: 5201-5208.



This is a variable that outputs a string to the NC file. This string is used to define what code the machine needs to see to enact the actual tool change. This code is defined on post question: 3528. The output of this string should only happen if the active tool device's post question: 20x30 is set to a value of 7 or 8.


next_tool and next_tool_with_prefix

These are smart variables because they only output when the active tool device's post question 20x30 is set to a value of 7 or 8. The next_tool variable outputs the next milling tool for the device. If it is output on the last operation then it outputs the first milling tool for that device in the program. This is used to support shops that need to run programs multiple times over.

Custom Tool Number Formatting

When the machine requires a tool number format that is not available or needs to have additional information output, the tool device's custom blocks can be used in place of the tool change code in the tool change post blocks.