The View Tab (Simulation)


This topic will explain the View Tab, the options found in it, and will provide links to related topics.

The View Tab

The View tab provides control of hiding and showing the informational tabs (Docking Panes) that display on the right side of the simulation interface. Click any of the following buttons to hide or show the corresponding tab in the simulation window. You can use the Reset button to show all tabs.



The Viewports options allow you to control the amount of windows (Views) used to view the simulation, along with controls to reset the size, and the content of those windows.


Maximize - When multiple views are being used, the Maximize option will cause the view with focus to be maximized into a single view.

4 Views - Splits the viewport into 4 windows.

3 Views - Splits the viewport into 3 windows.

2 Rows - Splits the viewport into 2 horizontal windows.

2 Columns - Splits the viewport into 2 vertical windows.

Reset Views Layout - When multiple viewports are being used, and those viewports have been resized, the Reset Views Layout option will set the sizing of those viewports back to their original sizes.

Reset Views Content - When multiple viewports are being used, and the content of those viewports have been paned, zoomed, or rotated, the Reset Views Content option will set the zoom, orientation, and position of those views back to their defaults.



Screen Objects

Screen Objects has a single item in the group: 


Measure Grid - overlays the graphics area with a grid in order to give users an idea of the sizes of the objects in the graphics area.



Export & Capture

The Export & Capture group gives you access to the functions capable of creating images and videos directly from the simulation. In the Capture group of the Machine Simulator Options, you can dictate how and where these are saved.


Capture Graphics Area - saves an image of the viewport with focus, to the folder specified in the Capture group of the Machine Simulator Options.


Start Capture Video - begins recording the viewport with focus.


Stop Capture Video - stops the recording of the video, and saves it to the folder specified in the Capture group of the Machine Simulator Options.



Docking Panes

The Docking Panes section allows you to use the following toggles to open and close the various docking dialogs in the simulation, as well as reset them to their original configuration.


Move List


Toolpath Analysis










Progress (slider at bottom of interface)


Axis Control




Stock Analysis




 Reset - will return the docking panes to their default configuration.