The CAM Tree Manager


This topic will explain the CAM Tree Manager, will show where to find it initially, and provide a link for the topic that shows how to relocate the CAM Tree Manager. This topic will also give a brief explanation of the CAM Tree itself.

The CAM Tree Manager

The CAM Tree Manager is what gives you access to the CAM Tree itself, the basics of which is explained in the following section.

The CAM Tree

The CAM Tree is where all machining programs start. The CAM Tree is used to define system settings, including the system defaults and job settings. It is also used to create and edit machining jobs, tools, stock, and features. This section contains a basic introduction to the CAM Tree and provides links to more in depth machining topics in this help system.


To find out more about the CAM Tree, see The CAM Tree topic.

Related Topics

The CAM Overview