Emboss Texture Weave Example 1


This help topic explains how to create an Emboss Texture Weave feature.In this example, a weave texture is applied to the background of a sign that was created using an Emboss from Component feature.

Example File

If you are connected to the Internet, the part file for this example can be downloaded automatically by clicking the following link: Emboss TextureWeave Example 1.bbcd

Once you download and saved the zip file, extract the files on your system in an easy place to remember.You can then open the file to use with this tutorial.All files for the tutorials in this help system available for download can be found by clicking on the following link: http://www.bobcad.com/helpfiles.


The component (sign) used for this tutorial is shown next.The stock is the same size as the component, which has already been created in the example file.



Part 1) Open the Example File

  1. In the Filemenu, click Open.

  2. In the Opendialog, select the folder in which you extracted the example file.

  3. Select Emboss Texture Weave Example.bbcd, and click Open.

  4. In the BobART Manager, next to Emboss Model, click to expand the tree.

    Notice that the Beach Cafe Sign feature already exists.

Part 2) Add the Feature and Regenerate the Model

  1. In the BobARTtree, right-click Emboss Model, point to Texture, and click Weave.

    The Texture-Weave dialog appears.

  2. In the Namefield of the Attribute section, select the text and type My Weave.

  3. Click the drop down next to Color,and select More Colors....

    The Select Color dialog appears.

  4. Set the RGB values to R 100, G 60, B 0 to create a brown and click OK.

    The Select Color dialog disappears and the color is set to brown.

  5. Under Cross-Section, set the Radius to 0.1.

  6. Click OK to update the canvas.

    The My Weave feature is added to the tree and the canvas is updated.



Note: When no Boundary Geometry is assigned for the feature, the texture-weave is applied to the entire model.(A boundary is selected later in this example.)


Note: In addition to the fact that no boundary has been defined, the selected Application Type, Add, causes the feature to be added to the other existing feature.This is changed in the next part.

Part 3) Edit the Feature and Change the Application Type

  1. In the Texture-Weavedialog, set the Application Type to Merge High.

  2. Click OK.


  3. Click Cancel to exit the dialog.


Note: The Merge High application type keeps only the highest portion of the model.Because the total height of the weave is less than the total height of the component, the weave is now only contained in the area of the model that is less than the height of the weave.

Part 4) Edit the Feature Cross Section

In this section, you change the cross-section shape to see how the cross section is applied to the weave.To better view the cross-section shape, we suppress the sign so that only the weave is shown.


  1. In the BobARTtree, right-click Beach Cafe Sign, and clickSuppress/Unsuppress.

  2. Right-click Emboss Model, and click Regenerate.Now only the weave is visible.


    When the view is rotated, the cross-section shape is easier to view.The following images compare the cross section defined in the Texture-Weave dialog box to the result on the model.


  3. In the BobARTtree, right-click My Weave, and click Edit.

  4. Under Cross-Section, click the drop down and select Concave Arc.

  5. Click OK to update the canvas.


    The following images compare the cross section defined in the Texture-Weave dialog to the result on the model.


Img Img


About the Cross-SectionShape Total Width:

The Total Width parameter in the Texture-Weave dialog box defines the width of each row/column of the weave.Generally, in order to create predictable results, the Total Width should be at least twice the width of the cross section (for example, the Radius or Major Axis). The following examples both use a cross-section Radius of 0.100.The Total Width of 0.250 allows the cross-section shape to be fully defined across each row/column of the weave.The Total Width of 0.125 does not create the same result. A portion of the cross-section shape is removed to fit the defined Total Width.(The Drive Curve-Peak Length parameter, explained in Part 5, also affects the result.)

Total Width 0.250

Total Width 0.125

Img Img

The previous information is a recommendation and may not always be followed.


Part 5) Edit the Feature Driving Curve Shape

  1. In the Driving Curve Shape group, click to clear the Smooth Curve check box.

    This makes the weave appear as the straight-line Driving Curve Shape that is displayed in the image.

  2. Under Cross-Section, click the drop down and select Convex Arc.

  3. Click OK to update the canvas.


  4. In the Driving Curve Shapegroup, change the Length to1.000, and change the ZHeightto 0.250.

  5. Click OK to update the canvas.


    The previous settings make it easier to see the result of the defined drive curve parameters, Length (1) and Z Height(2), as shown next.


    When the Peak Length (3) is changed to 0.500,the result is as follows.



Tip: The Peak Length shown in the previous steps was increased from 0.250 to 0.500.This means that the Total Width of the Cross Section Shape can now also be increased up to 0.500 (and still create predictable results). Again, this is a recommendation that may not always be followed.(For example, you may want to set the Total Width greater than the Peak Length if it creates desired results.)

Part 6) Assign Boundary Geometry

  1. Click Cancel to close the dialog.

  2. In the BobARTtree, right-click Beach Cafe Sign, and click Suppress/Unsuppress to bring back the main model.

  3. Right-click Emboss Model, and click Regenerate.


    The currently defined parameters cause the texture to appear in an area of the model that is not desired.To contain a texture, you assign a boundary.

  4. Under My Weave, right-click Boundary Geometry, and click Re/Select.

    The Texture Weave dialog opens with focus on the Selected Geometry list of the Boundary Geometry section.

  5. Because selection mode is now active, the Workspace has key focus.

  6. To update the feature click OK.


    The texture is now contained within the selected boundary.

Part 7) Edit the Feature and Create a Solid Texture

For the final part of this example, the weave is edited to form a solid background texture for the sign.


  1. Right-click My Weave, and click Edit.

  2. In the Driving Curve Shape group:

    1. Set the Length to 0.500.

    2. Set the Z Height to 0.100.

    3. Set the Peak Length to 0.250.

    4. Click to select the Smooth Curve check box.

  3. In the Cross-Section Shape group:

    1. Set the Total Width to 0.500.

    2. Click the Shape Style arrow, and click Line.

    3. Set the Height to 0.100, and set the Slope Angle to90.00.

  4. Click OK.


Img Img


Because the Cross-Section Shape-Total Width parameter is the same value as the Driving Curve Shape-Length parameter, the weave no longer contains any space between each row/column.

Part 8) Change the Rotation Angle

When you Edit the feature and change the Rotation Angle to 22.00, the regenerated result is as follows.(The rotation angle is measured from the X-axis.)


Img Img


This concludes the tutorial.

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